hey, Squiggy


Well-Known Member
So, TreeBeard just ICQ'd me asking about you ... I told him you were fine, of course, but I think he wanted more info ...

I don't know - I'm not particularly comfortable with telling him about this place .. what do you think?
*just realized that if we do decide to tell him about this place, I'm gonna have to seriously edit this thread*

:D Hes an Aussie friend of mine that can be a smidgeon argumentative when coaxed...or not...A great guy who calls them as he sees them with varying shades of diplomacy in his presentation....I'll have to ponder this one na.....The RW would never be the same... :retard:
I know .. he and I are discussing his "debate tactics" right now ... :D

hmmm... "varying shades of diplomacy..." ... that was perhaps the nicest way I've ever heard anyone put that LOL
Squiggy said:
that can be a smidgeon argumentative when coaxed...or not...A great guy who calls them as he sees them with varying shades of diplomacy in his presentation....

* clears throat very loudly

We already have one of those :headbang:
He really is a stand up guy....I like him even though we don't always agree. But I've known some to find him abrasive...I think its more to do with his persistence and loquacious ways...
.............................................:beerbang: ..............................................
Well hell, I think I like the guy already, I say delete this thread and bring him onboard. Gonz really does need some new sacrifices, err, I mean, competition.:D