Hey Toolbox™


New Member
I was running through my favorites and came across one of your galleries on your business site. My GOD those pictures are awesome. If you aren't selling them to the people who dive, you should be. :)

I had a few questions... My friend Bobbi went diving a month ago as a part of a cruise she took and we talked about a few things that might prevent me from doing it. My asthma and claustrophobia. She suffers from a bit of claustrophobia too and she said she was fine. She did something called helmet diving? She said that your whole head is encased in a self contained oxygenated helmet that weighs you down so you can dive.

You must get these questions a lot from people who are nervous about diving. Have you had anyone freak out and not be able to handle it? Do you do scuba diving with the tanks on the back and everything? I've always thought I wouldn't be able to handle it, that I'd freak out but your site is making me wonder if I should try it...
Hi greenfreak,

I'm sorry for replying so late. I only saw this thread now! Now down to your quesries:

I think you are refering to the pictures on the www.divetristar.com website. Those pictures were taken by a photographer named Gutsy Tuason who is my cousin. He has sold those pictures many times over to Bookmark which just recently shut down. In 2001, his book, Anilao, which is a local beach in the Philippines won the world award for undewater phtography or something like that in France!

As for claustrophobia, I think you'll be more claustrophobic in one of those helmets! That helmet really gives you the feeling that you're encased in something really small. And technically, that isn't really diving, I think! I would recommend just diving with a mask and regulator. The asthma bit has no effect I think... My wife and I are highly asthmatic and it doesn't affect us. You just have to get used to breathing the dry air.

Actually, this is the first time someone has ever really asked me about SCUBA diving. Our business is targetted towards professional divers and not beginners. Most of the clients we have are highly experienced and the few who are not and dive with us are usually spoiled! :)

You could try diving... go to the nearest, popular beach resort and ask for an introductory dive. They will take you through the experience without commitment. Anything place that is NAUI or PADI certified!

If you want to ask more questions, just email me at [email protected]. I don't come here often enough and that's why I missed out on this. :D
hey tooly does your sister work for tabu? i know ina does but i saw a familiar name "gina" and thought it could be a sis or some relative.

oh and tell Ina and Mano I say HI :wave:
I'm a bit claustrophobic too and I did an introductory dive 3 years ago(baptism they called it). I don't see any problem in it. They submerge very slowly, what gives you time to abort the experience. If you feel comfortable and persist, you'll forget about everything else down there :). Believe me once you've started you won't feel insecure at all, rather amazed by the beauty. :)
Thanks guys. I've always wanted to do it but was afraid to. Yes, I was talking about the divetristar website :)

I don't think they do ocean diving in NY because you can't see underwater, it's so yucky! :D I knew a guy who learned how to SCUBA in a tank; but that was for professional reasons. Hey, maybe when Rusty and I finally tie the knot, we'll honeymoon down there. From all the pics you're shown, it looks like paradise. :)
Hey Sam,

You're right, Ina works for Tabu but the other name you saw, Gina, is also Ina! When she introdices herself to people, its Gina and people who are very close to her call her Ina! I already told her to choose a name and stick with it but she keeps forgetting! :D


Believe it or not, with all the termoil going on in the Philippines, it is still one of the most beautiful places to visit! The beaches and the water is incredible! The people are great too. Many of foreigners I run into here who have traveled SOuth East Asia say the Philippines is the best place to visit! Almost all Filipino's can speak english! Not like Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand, no one can communicate with you. :)
well tell her to quit confusing me. im a simple man :p and i need a calendar from tabu, can i get one? and is Ina in it? :)
Of course you can get a calendar for Tabu! I'll buy one for you and mail it right away! Can you email me your address?

Sorry but Ina isn't in the calendar yet! The calendar was shot while she was pregnant so she wasn't thin enough... she'll be out once she loses all the baby weight though. :)
well tell her im still waiting for the calendar pic. last one ive seen were from the MTV show. im still jealous she got to go and i didnt. :p
Hey, Toolbox -

Do you guys need a captain? I hold a current USCG 100 Ton Master license and have 25 years of experience. I'd love to sell my property and bring my boat down to the Philippines! :)
Hey Sharky,

Thank you for the generous offer but I doubt we can afford someone of your caliber! Labor in this country is so cheap! :) I don't want to be cheap with you! :)
Ina? Tabu? Calendars? What? :confbang:

When I was in high school, my best friend was Filipino. I spent a lot of time with her family and the way they talked about the Philippines, I always wanted to visit. I'm afraid I'm not as up on current events as I should be, what's the nature of the turmoil there? Part of me worries about traveling anywhere, to tell you the truth. I guess I'm not as naive about traveling as I used to be.
Re: Hey Toolbox™

greenfreak said:
Hey, maybe when Rusty and I finally tie the knot, we'll honeymoon down there. From all the pics you're shown, it looks like paradise. :)
I heard Hawaii has great diving places too. Probably it's cheaper for you and you could get to see na and kuu
The turmoil in Philipines has to be with Muslim gerrillas and another factions trying to overtrhow the government if I remember well...
greenfreak said:
Ina? Tabu? Calendars? What? :confbang:

Ina is wife, she works for the swimsuit company tabu and they have an awsome calendar that you cant get in the states. AND Ina is a hottie and should have been in the last calendar. cept tooly kinda messed that one up, wanting Mano and all. :)