hey you people from Georgia

Oh you're in Georgia? Do you know Bob?
I don't know which is worse...Someone with a relative named Uncle Grandad, or someone who knows where to find the vaseline in Georgia.... :confuse3:
BTW...Isn't everyone in Georgia named "Bob"?...Joe Bob, Billy Bob, Jim Bob, Betty Bob.....etc,etc....
Squiggy said:
I don't know which is worse...Someone with a relative named Uncle Grandad, or someone who knows where to find the vaseline in Georgia.... :confuse3:
Uncle Grandad... Thats what we call the apple moonshine 'round here. Its strictly for medicinal uses mind ya.. and freeing up rusty lugs.
Charlie Cletus, Ramsey Louise, Brett Bo, Tina Marie, Toby Claxton ... weze all be habbin a good time cow tippin tonite. *spits terbacky jooce*
Do they say ya'll in Georgia? For some reason, that just cracks me up everytime I speak with a client in Louisiana... "ya'll"... :D :D
I would say about half do. I don't. HomeLAN doesn't. His wife doesn't It all depends on where you were raised. We were all highly educated suburbia types with no real accent to speak of. Kruz lives here but was raised in Buffalo, NY. He has a mild upstate NY accent.