Hi, I'm rage and I'm a arkanoid...err..archohall?err... archibald...alcholobotomizer.



I'm new here. I only just now got here though. Kinda funny how that happens huh?

This place looks nice for being used in a text browser/.. my compliments to the chef :cool:

I hear I'm supposed to bring pizza and beer, I brought bout a year's supply; where can I drop it of?

Anyways... :headbang:

I tried to post but it said I needed to input a valid file attachment? Fix this will ya. Thanks :headbang: I attached my sql config for now since it's not much to look at...
Yeah. Lynx makes the web beautiful. :rolleyes: I can't help it though, this machine isn't powerful enough to run a graphical browser.

There's no file attachment thingie in the reply though, what's up with that?
I think you're looking at the quick reply there, the only fields that have an attachment box are in the new thread and advanced reply (button titled "Post A Reply")

I'll see what I can do about making the attachment box disappear though.
Thanks. :headbang:

I've navigated other vBulletin-based boards before but this is the first one I've actually been able to post at, at all. I think I'll like it here. :cool:
Exactly how crappy a machine are we talking here? I've run graphical on a 486 without difficulty.
That's something I'm wondering too, although I think I might know why. We were using phpBB at the time he joined up, and I think it was harder to navigate through using a text browser, or something. Or maybe it was the same error he experienced when posting the new thread. :shrug:
Uh oh. He's using an otcentral.com address, so he might not have been able to post until now due to not being able to receive the activation email. (otcentral.com is powered by everyone.net which is powered by a bunch of monkeys on typewriters :retard: )
Yeah, especially since it never works. At least with snail mail you get it eventually. :tardbang:
I hated phpBB on my Duron 750 it was slower than hell. A full thread would take 5-7 seconds to drag from top to bottom. I tried it on a celeron 300a once also and it was pitifully slow. I wouldn't even bother on anything slower than that.