Hiking The Rockies


Staff member
Well, as some of you know I'm starting to live a healthier and more active life these days. I've changed my eating habits considerably over the last couple months and have started exercising more. Today I went for a hike and for the first time actually reached the summit of the mountain. This is a small mountain (but a mountain non the less) and I've never attempted it before so I don't know whether I could have done it before or not. However, it is about equivalent to the portion of the hike at another mountain that I did last month. Today was much easier than my previous hike, we even went for another 3.5km hike/walk after we were done our "main attraction" hike. I'm pretty damn proud of myself right now. The main hike is discussed in the link below, we started from the starting point that resulted in the longest hike. Pics will follow when I get them from my friend.

Awesome...also can't wait for the pics,driven through the rockies a couple of times and I can honestly say that taking a hike up them was never an idea I had.
Whereas I see mountains and set goals to get to the top of them (literally).
A couple pics from the top. The second one my friend is trying to figure out her remote for the camera but I think I look OK so just ignore her hand.
The photographer in me couldn't handle seeing the hand. :glasses3:

Awesome weather too,right now its too cold here to just wear a shortsleeve shirt. *but then I'm a wuss.
Thanks, I didn't cut it because you lose some of the wonderful background...but a copy without the hand will come in useful as well :)
Yeah the weather was awesome, 22 degrees or so I think. It'll be a bit colder next weekend but we'll make it through...we may have to put two sweaters on Slim though (the dog I'm holding, she has another one named Taz but he's a tough one and doesn't wear sweaters).

Paul: It's elevation gain that kills me, I could do the hike to the second teahouse I'm pretty sure. I couldn't do the leg that actually goes to the glacier (over 2000ft elevation gain in 2km...YIKES) but I could do to the teahouse and then to the viewpoint. That's a long hike though and it's starting to get cold, probably in the spring.
Yeah the weather was awesome, 22 degrees or so I think. It'll be a bit colder next weekend but we'll make it through...we may have to put two sweaters on Slim though (the dog I'm holding, she has another one named Taz but he's a tough one and doesn't wear sweaters).

Paul: It's elevation gain that kills me, I could do the hike to the second teahouse I'm pretty sure. I couldn't do the leg that actually goes to the glacier (over 2000ft elevation gain in 2km...YIKES) but I could do to the teahouse and then to the viewpoint. That's a long hike though and it's starting to get cold, probably in the spring.

I wondered who belonged to the rat. Not that your unattractive or anything Nix, but that looks like a lovely spot. Got some more scenery pics?
Sure I have more scenery pictures. Do you have a new pic of yourself for Tonk's thread? :D
Hiked Johnston Canyon Falls and Inkpots today. 12km return...I feel like I'm 80.

Pictures tomorrow, tonight I sleep :)
Thanks Les :)

I honestly don't think I could have walked 12km 6 months ago...let alone hiked it.
There were two sets of falls then the ink pots. The pics are:

- At the lower falls
- At the upper falls
- On the trail on the way to the Ink Pots
- Finally at the ink pots!
- Me and Taz at the Inkpots (there was a huge raven who wanted to make him lunch so I put him in my shirt)