
greenfreak said:
Well he wasn't all that great growing up but he did take me hiking and teach me how to shoot a gun. :D

Yeah... sounds like my dad. He took me hunting when I was a kid, and then we hunted some when I got into my late teens, but there was this long stretch in between that he spent drinking and working every weekend.

I look at my niece and nephew who are 10 and 9, and I would definitely take them hiking. But not together at the same time. I think that's important--not just the kid and if you think they can handle it but if they're going to be ok with no breaks from the rest of you for days on end. That can get a little crazy.

Yeah, we did alright on our camping trip a couple of weekends ago. It was tough keeping Levi out of the fire and stuff, but it was no worse than being at home with them. Probably a little better, actually. If we take Anna it will only be a weekend trip at this stage.
unclehobart said:
The plus side about hiking on Hawaii is the lack of snakes and other mega animals that might seem fit to make a snack of an unwary hiker.

yup! now all we have to do is tell that to the idiots who smuggle snakes in :grumpy:
unclehobart said:
The plus side about hiking on Hawaii is the lack of snakes and other mega animals that might seem fit to make a snack of an unwary hiker.

Is that true? I know that there are no snakes, but I didn't know that there were no large prey animals at all...
I think Hawaii has some wandering cattle, mean spiders, and some pretty big pigs wandering about... but nothing like bears that I know of. The mean stuff is in the water.
*sigh* I used to love walking. I used to walk everywhere - brilliant way to keep fit. Unfortunately these days I hardly ever do as most places here just aren't accessible with a wheelchair. It's difficult enough for able-bodied ramblers to practice their right to use public footpaths across private land as it is. I like to walk out in the wilds not through some manicured coppice. :(