Historical monuments destroyed


New Member
The whole area of New Orleans and Mississippi coast had quite a number of historical artifacts, buildings, and museums. Is there any word on what has been lost?

I've heard that many of the nice old antebellum homes in the New Orleans area have been wiped out.

Also, there are reports that the Jeff Davis family home was stripped up... slab and all.

Anyone hear of anything else?
Haven't yet. But if the Davis home was damaged/destroyed, I'll get word on it soon enough.

Hope it wasn't damaged. But if the storm didn't get it, the lawlessness probably will. And the masses will celebrate...
You've heard the phrase "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it"? Well there's a little known corollary to that "Those who wallow in the past never see the future"
In NO, the cemetaries were all above ground anyways. Long since gone.

and noone lives in a cemetery anyways. Future, past or present.
How about Highland games? Its just ancient culture worship. The Olympics. There are 100s of ways of living in and glorifying the past.

*throws all the family photo ledgers into a barrel fire* Can't go to the past .. gotta let it go.
There's a difference between remembering the past, and wallowing in it. Crying over the loss of a monument is remembering. Losing a night's sleep over the loss is wallowing.

And I wouldn't think that burning your family photos would really be that big a sacrafice for you, Unc. Your Dad's the only one I've ever heard a good word from you about. And even then, it was qualified.
Professur said:
There's a difference between remembering the past, and wallowing in it. Crying over the loss of a monument is remembering. Losing a night's sleep over the loss is wallowing.

[scratching head]

I lost sleep?

[/scratching head]
One mans remembering is another mans wallowing. Its just a matter of perspective.

One who participates in 'X' feels that they are just remembering. A passerby on the street looks at it and goes 'damn ...get a life.'
I did hear about the Jefferson Davis home of his retirement being swept clean of everything but foundation.

I'm sure, with the history of NO & vicinity, there are some tragic losses.
My parents took hours of video down there, of cemetaries, historic sites. It will be really interesting to look at them again after the waters settle and we find out what's left.
Which reminds me...Christmas is pretty much shot for the majority who lived in that 90k mi area, eh?