History was made today


molṑn labé
Staff member
I believe we saw the United Nations take one gigantic step towards obscurity, joining the League of Nations.

Official stances made by Security Council Members:

Russia says there is no evidence Iraq is rearming and wants a diplomatic resolution, but may change its position if Iraq doesn't increase cooperation


France says inspections are starting to work and hinted it could use its veto to block authorization for force.


China says it believes inspections should continue and Iraq can be disarmed peacefully.


Angola says inspections should continue in order to peacefully disarm Iraq.


Bulgaria says it backs a peaceful resolution and could support U.S.-led military intervention without authorization


Cameroon says supports continued inspections and has no position regarding military action.


Germany says it insists Iraq must be disarmed peacefully and says it will not participate in force even if U.N. authorizes action continued inspections. Germany also says it has no position regarding military action.


Guinea says it supports continued inspections and also says it has no position regarding military action.


Mexico says it supports continued inspections and could support military action if authorized


Pakistan says it supports continued weapons inspections and a diplomatic resolution.


Spain says it supports the Bush administration's stance and believes action could start without authorization


Syria says Iraq is cooperating and sanctions should be lifted.

Maybe France has a place to put the impotent UN. They seem to need one another.
Gonz said:
I believe we saw the United Nations take one gigantic step towards obscurity, joining the League of Nations.

Maybe France has a place to put the impotent UN. They seem to need one another.

We don't get our way so we're going to take our ball and go home? :retard:
Re: Re: History was made today

Squiggy said:
We don't get our way so we're going to take our ball and go home?
no, we're going to play ball anyways, and find out how lonely it is playing by yourself
It is good to belong to a group who swears to police the unjust & dangerous & when the going gets rough they say "STOP! or we'll say STOP!" some more. The UN has proven over & over to be a paper tiger & it's become useless.
U.N. - Rest In Pieces

An attack on Iraq, without U.N. authorization will be sure to do a great deal of damage to the credibility of the organization. In fact, it would be ideal. Do what is right, AND deal a major blow to the U.N. Two birds with one stone.
Just FYI, Iraq and libya are heading some important commities this month. If the Un had serious power, the US could be in for a lot of grief.
Ah yes, Libya is chairing the Human Rights Commission, and Iraq is chairing the Disarmament Comission. The latter is also co-chaired with Iran. What a wonderful world we live in! :D

Syria says Iraq is cooperating and sanctions should be lifted.

What fucking planet are they from anyway? I'm just wondering, is Crack legal in Syria?
Syria... The real name is Al Jumhuriyah al Arabiyah as Suriyah. They got their independence in 1946 I think, from the League of Nations under a French mandate. Beautiful country with really good food. Charming villages, and friendly people if you speak to them in Arabic. Very anti-American, and they are really not fond of Israel.

Syria's primary import and export partners are Germany, France, and Italy.

*dreams of times long since gone...*