Hm, in the spirit of fun...

LastLegionary said:
PuterTutor said:
^^ Tries to cop feels in the guise of a hug^^

*Tear, I'm Just SO Proud*


OK you know what? If you want attention you gotta tell me, I'm no expert on picking up hints from other guys. :blush:

I was proud cuz you were copping a feel off of a woman, then you had to go turn it into another gay thing.
eh? I understood it quite differently. I thought you were saying I'm trying to hide something buy pretending to be hugging a woman. Sorry I misunderstood... :) My loss I guess.
Copping? That is one word I did not have in my vocabulary until know. OK so I feel pretty stupid and silly now about this thing. :(
^^^Has a VERY funny new sig. I like it :D

edit: oh, PT! You too fast, monghead!

edit2: and now it looks as though that was in reference to YOUR new sig, now that you've changed it. Not that it's not good, cos it is, but...oh hell - this has all gone a bit PETE TONG. :D
^^^ Not a man. Extremely sexy, and hot, but nope, not a man. :brow:

(Can I see your mongos again? :brow: :brow: :brow: )