Hm, in the spirit of fun...

LastLegionary said:
^^^ odd guy, but cool :) (I don't know what to say heh)

insert penis here said:
You are going to make me very happy one day

Nah, sorry old boy. :p :p

Fuck off, lol.

Don't go changing the quote... this is "in the spirit of fun...", remember? ;)

However I am touched you thought I fancied your gay ass. :p
^^^Disappointed that horny posh bee-hatch Tara Palmer-Tomkinson has finally gone crazy on the show "I'm a Celebrity, Get me out of here!!!"^^^

Strange girl.
^^^ has a pretty nice computer

insert penis here said:
Fuck off, lol.

Don't go changing the quote... this is "in the spirit of fun...", remember? ;)

However I am touched you thought I fancied your gay ass. :p

:) lol

Hey PT, that statement is accurate btw. :)
^^^ knows what a monghead is but isn't telling

BTW I don't know what a monghead is either. And PT, no, I am not ashamed of anything. Thanks :)

Edited, to fix the page displaying - Luis G
IPH, or a moderator, please put hard breaks in, I avoided that other thread because of the alignment problems.
^^ will not edit again, 'cause he has a resolution of 1024x768 and he sees it fine.