Hmm...Agenda, anyone?

Kind of blows the whole "infallible word of god" theory to kingdom come doesn't it?

Not when you take into account that King James brought many, of the Best scholars in,
and if you believe as I do that it was divinely inspired.

ALL things are possible through Christ.
Jesus, when asked, said that the most important of all commandments was: Love thy god and love they neigbor even as thy love thyself. Anything beyond that isn't christianity it's bullshit.

Then tell me catocom, would you agree with that statement?

Bearing in mind I am not saying all the rest is crap, merely that anything that doesnt stnad up to that standard.....Is crap!
as it is written here

Matthew 22
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
OK, but that's what I mean catocom, Is that not the litmus test that all else should be judged by if one is truly "christian"? To me it is. To me that also means that people spouting hate and judgement on others, regardless of whether those others are right or wrong, is not acting as Jesus would have them act. If a person is "sinning" it is no excuse to hate or condemmn them, is it? Did he not also say, 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone'?
I am not saying one should be perfection personified. That's a ludicrous thought. But I do believe if one is truly christian they make a sincere effort to love they neighbor. That is not to say one should condone what one believes is wrong but there is a difference between trying to correct a wrong in the spirit of love and forgiveness that Jesus taught and doing so with spite malice and hatred. (i.e. Terrorism conducted against abortion doctors. Violence perpetrated against homosexuals....etc.)
I think we're almost on the same page there.

The keyword is "neighbor"
The meaning I understand is one that doesn't know the truth, such as a child,
or one that embraces the faith.
One who Knows the truth, but rejects it, is not a "neighbor".

I don't judge on that, unless one openly embraces the contrary. (such as worship of evil)

edit: e.g. Charles Manson, is not my neighbor
There is where we disagree. Just because someone believes other than I do, doesn't give me the right to hate them. I believe that Jesus meant for us to love all our neigbors. And yes that includes Manson. That doesn't mean that tough love isn't called for. Someone such as that should be locked away from society for the good of all, but every effort should be made to help him if that is even possible. But "love" doesn't always mean to coddle someone. Sometimes it means to make the tough decisions including punishing them for crimes they commit.
Just because I don't Love someone, doesn't mean I Hate them.

Edit: Manson, not being on my Love list, is not contrary to my faith.
Well I can certainly understand and stand behind your brand of chritianity more than I can some of these wingnuts who call themselves christian.
amen brother.
There definitely some whack jobs out there.

I don't take a "holier than thou" attitude very easily. ;)
Oh, one more thing I'll just add...
I don't wanna preach here, but

Justice isn't necessarily contrary to my faith either.

I personally wouldn't want to judge some of the cases, but for the clear cut
cases, Justice needs to be fulfilled.
And if you'd show me where the church...following the rules laid down in the bible...advocated those things you mentioned as something other than punishment for some transgression, please do so. Also...since some folks here like to change things to suit their own agendas (myself included), please include the entire context of the situation, and not just the verse.


sorry dude i ain't quotin' chapter and verse. too much homeowrk for me. though i do remember that part about not laying with animals er something in leviticus. but that's cool, i'm not the sheep shagger here... (prof?)

yeah prolly in context of transgression in many cases, and probably old testament when god acted like an angry adolescent, but so waht?

hey wait wifebating was pretty much legal in this country at the turn of the century when women were chattel. and not much before that slavery was okey dokey.

"wifebating." heh... that's one miskey that i'm not fixing.

at this point i forgot the point.

as you were.
so churches should not evolve?

If they are following the word of The answers are already set. I'm reasonaby cetain that an omniscient deity doesn't need to conduct polls.

Shrillary has said the one of her first acts as President will be to throw out Bills rules & allow homosexuals (can we stop using that stupid word GAY-are they ALL happy?) to serve openly.
i happen to think reform jews are on to something.

and the catholic church has evolved on a number of matters.
Since I'm D)None of the Above, it's all moot. However, I can't imagine the Word of God ever needing changing.

The religion I'd most likely convert to is Jew. I just like having fire on Saturdays too much.
If they are following the word of The answers are already set. I'm reasonaby cetain that an omniscient deity doesn't need to conduct polls.

Shrillary has said the one of her first acts as President will be to throw out Bills rules & allow homosexuals (can we stop using that stupid word GAY-are they ALL happy?) to serve openly.

Actually the book I go by does allow for Some evolution.

e.g. God granted Divorcement, were previously there was none.

sorry dude i ain't quotin' chapter and verse. too much homeowrk for me. though i do remember that part about not laying with animals er something in leviticus. but that's cool, i'm not the sheep shagger here... (prof?)

yeah prolly in context of transgression in many cases, and probably old testament when god acted like an angry adolescent, but so waht?

hey wait wifebating was pretty much legal in this country at the turn of the century when women were chattel. and not much before that slavery was okey dokey.

"wifebating." heh... that's one miskey that i'm not fixing.

at this point i forgot the point.

as you were.

Like I said. If you take things out of context, thats where you run into the problems. Take into account the bolded portion. That may be legally correct for the time, but not biblically correct. ;)