
Going to me low mid 80s (27-29ish) today in Atlanta. It should be a stam bath considering we just had a solid week of rain.
:D 29c today looking forward to basking! May have to get the AC running! YAY! :)
Yeah, but the weekend's gonna be 80 and partly sunny in Atlanta. Should be great, except for us allergy monkeys.
So what is 80F in celcius? ?( Never learned imperial in school, never had to learn. :) All I know is inches.
So is that seasonal temperatures for GA this time of year? It definitely isn't here. We had a job offer to move there and turned it down. Maybe that was a mistake.
Trust me, Les, you do NOT want to be in 'Hotlanta' in the midst of summer...It's even worse than Charleston, SC with the humidity. I remember when I 'summered over' in Saudi Arabia, and, even though it was much hotter, at least it was a 'dry' heat. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Gato_Solo
I 'summered over' in Saudi Arabia, and, even though it was much hotter, at least it was a 'dry' heat. :rolleyes:

Is that what they're calling it these days? summering? lol

The weather was one of several reasons we decided no, but it was a big one, though we really didn't know what the weather patterns were, we figured south would be hot. It is starting to get hot/humid now, it is 10am and we're roasting already. Glad it isn't always humid like this.
Should be about 30C down here on the MS coast today (if it doesn't rain it's ass off... looking kinda dark outside at the moment).
It's a little on the warm side, but not by too much.

And, Gato, that's what pools are for. :)

Originally posted by L. Summerton
So is that seasonal temperatures for GA this time of year? It definitely isn't here. We had a job offer to move there and turned it down. Maybe that was a mistake.
Its a classic Bermuda high parking right on the US east coast. Its making it a few degrees warmer in upper Michigan that it is all the way down here in Atlanta.
You just need to aclimate to summery temps. We all have a certain ramp up phase. I remember hating it when it was like 15c. Now I dont notice it.
I can't!!! :( It's supposed to be down to 3c by Saturday :eek: :eek: Popsicles for dinner tonight!
That they will, lol! the 4 year old is laying around like a slug today, only gets up to eat. The others are still at school, twill be misery when they get back. Freezies and popsicles are great bribery tools though. :D