Ho, Ho, Ho, Green Jobs Czar

the commie is getting the boot.

During the 2008 Presidential campaign Barack Obama told audiences, 'Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.'

OK, we will.

And that is precisely the problem with Obama.

In order to understand Barack Obama one must look beyond the official, Congressional-approved Cabinet choices to the truckload of unofficial 'czars,' 'special advisor's,' and 'officers' he has chosen to come to the White House to have direct access to him.

If one uses the criterion Obama laid out by which to judge his character, political ideology, and plans for the country, we can only conclude that the President is a far-Left extremist who disdains capitalism and free commerce, free speech in the open marketplace of ideas, Caucasian people who have accumulated wealth, and any dissent from the concepts propounded by his 'regime.'

How do we know this? Look at his czars, special advisers, and officers. These are the ones closest to Obama.

John Holdren, science czar, advocates for population control using the most extreme measures, such as mandating the number of children Americans can have. He is also a proponent of 'de-developing' the United States, sending its agricultural practices and technology back to the 19th century. Holdren has also suggested that infants and chronically ill elderly do not fit his definition of 'human,' and therefore can be expendable.

Cass Sunstein, regulatory czar and Harvard law professor, believes that animals should have the right to legal representation. If you try to get rid of rats in your home, a 'concerned citizen' could bring a lawsuit, with the rat as the plaintiff, to sue you for endangering a species. He also believes that if bloggers post something that turns out to be false, they should be prosecuted. In short, Sunstein is a Leftwing moonbat with Fascist leanings. Remember, Obama said to judge him by the people around him.

Ezekiel Emanuel, healthcare czar, believes in using cost-benefit and comparative-benefit analysis to allocate healthcare resources. This means the fewer years you have left to live, the less cost-effective it is to treat you. Thus, most of those resources should be diverted from the elderly to younger people. This is the 'rationing' portion of ObamaCare that many of us have warned about. And this will be done even without the so-called 'public option,' which is not really what the debate about government control of healthcare is about in the first place. Even without the public option, the provision for rationing is inherent in the provisions of the bill, thanks to advisers such as Emanuel.

Van Jones, green jobs czar, is perhaps the most extremist of the extreme in the entire lot. As a self-avowed, self-identified Communist, Jones abhors liberty, the Constitution, the American way of life, and seeks to change it from top to bottom. Here is more on Van Jones.

Mark Loyd, FCC 'diversity czar,' supports Communist Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and believes that what Chavez did to squelch free speech in the media and seize the means of communication is a good model for the United States. His plan is to silence conservative talk radio by forcing ownership to change hands to minorities and by implementing a fee structure for licensing that will put most private broadcasters out of business. At that point, Loyd would make PBS, or NPR on the radio, the most powerful forces in broadcasting--controlled by the government, of course.

Due to the areas over which they have jurisdiction, the above-named 'special advisers' to Obama are the key players. Jobs, communication, healthcare, agriculture, population control--all of these amount to a major shift in the way America has operated as a Free Republic for over 200 years.

Questions for consideration: Given these czars and special advisers who have offices in the White House with easy access to the President, how, then, should we judge Barack Obama's ideas and plans for the country, just as he asked us to do? Why is a Communist operating out of the White House as one of Obama's closet advisers? What can Americans reasonably expect over the next few years if the policies espoused by Loyd, Jones, Sunstein, Emanuel, and Holdren are implemented?

Holy shit I'm scared now!


Not surprised that someone decided to exaggerate and misrepresent the facts to spew some more hateful rhetoric.
Holy shit I'm scared now!

You do know who brought him down, don't you?


Green jobs czar.

Isn't payback a bitch.......

Van Jones Resigns. Glenn Beck, Free Republic, Fox News Embarrass Media
I'll buy into the hoax and drink the Green Kool-aid when we start making paper, rope and clothing out of hemp again.
Why did 0bama think it was a good idea to hire Van Jones in the first place?

Why the resignation instead of simply addressing the controversy and questions about him?

Why should Americans trust 0bama with ANY kind of decisions?
I don't think you can hold Obama or any other President responsible for all the nutjobs in the world, like that Van Jones or that racist preacher.
Any time one leaves the house, they are surrounded by nutjobs. If someone goes into politics, they become a nutjob magnet.
It's like complaining that a stable smells like horseshit.
Why did 0bama think it was a good idea to hire Van Jones in the first place?

Why wouldn't he be? He's got a pretty impressive environmental record.

Why the resignation instead of simply addressing the controversy and questions about him?

What questions?

Why should Americans trust 0bama with ANY kind of decisions?

He's certainly been doing a much better job with his appointees than the last president and you trusted him somehow.
Questions. Just a few.

Why did 0bozo hire him knowing that van jones said this:

"The bombs the government drops in Iraq are the bombs that blew up in New York City," said Van Jones, director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, who also warned against forthcoming violence by the Bush Administration. "The US cannot bomb its way out of this one. Safety at home requires justice abroad."

He founded Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), which held a vigil in Oakland, California, “mourning the victims of U.S. imperialism around the world” on the night after Sept. 11, 2001.

And he was signatory #46 on a troofer petition?

Knowing that he claimed that whites are intentionally poisoning blacks by sending all of the bad "green economy" poison into poor neighborhoods.

And knowing that after his little stint in jail in the wake of the 1992 Rodney King riots he said:

"In jail I met all these young radical people of color — I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of. I spent the next 10 years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary'.... I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th... by August, I was a communist."

Good riddance to the communist, convict, racist, troofer PoS.
I don't think you can hold Obama or any other President responsible for all the nutjobs in the world, like that Van Jones or that racist preacher.

Of course not. You can hold them responsible for entitling these people to a job in their cabinet or using them as close "advisors" (czars)
Let's see, bombing Iraq was dumb, imperialism is dumb, and who cares if he's a communist?

His position was to encourage green jobs and he has a great environmental record?

Truther? Shit, makes more sense than those Birther nutjobs.
Van Jones produced a record album entitled "WarTimes: Reports from the Opposition" a few years ago that was narrated by convicted cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal and featured a clip of an interview Jones did where he slammed the United States and Israel and proclaimed his stand with a "global struggle" against the United States:

However, one of these albums was an anti-Iraq-war compilation album that caught my attention because it was narrated by Mumia Abu Jamal, a Black Panther Party activist who is on death row for murdering a Philadelphia police officer in 1981. One of the controversies over Jones this week has been his prior statements and activity in support of Jamal.

I managed to track down an MP3 of the full album entitled WarTimes: Reports from the Opposition. And lo and behold, not only did Jones run the organization which sponsored the creation of this album, but he is also featured on the album itself. I created a highlight clip featuring Mumia Abu Jamal and some of the more outrageous song lyrics (NSFW WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE). The clip featuring the short interview with Jones begins at about 3:45…but the whole clip is worth a listen, IMO.


It would not surprise me to learn that 0bama has an autographed copy. :shrug:

Highlights from that radical anti-war album can be found here:

"We see violence against poor people and poor people of color within the U.S. border, at the U.S. border, and beyond the U.S. border and you see U.S. tax dollars funding all of it. And so we have this now global struggle against the U.S. led security apparatus and military agenda that impacts people here and impacts people around the world and I think that we need to see our problems as linked."