Ho, Ho, Ho, Green Jobs Czar

Do I think 0bama was born in America? No.

Your turn.

Do you believe 9-11 was an "inside job?"
Glenn Beck statement on resignation of Van Jones

The American people stood up and demanded answers. Instead of providing them, the Administration had Jones resign under cover of darkness. I continue to be amazed by the power of everyday Americans to initiate change in our government through honest questioning, and judging by the other radicals in the administration, I expect that questioning to continue for the foreseeable future.
When 51% of all structural engineers stand up & say that it was an inside job, I'll consider believing alternatives
Fuck the polls, links, and the horse you rode in on. :shrug:

Moussaoui: White House was my 9/11 target

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (CNN) -- Al Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui told a stunned courtroom Monday that he and would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid were supposed to hijack a fifth plane on September 11, 2001, and crash it into the White House.

In a day of startling revelations, an unrepentant Moussaoui also said for the first time that he knew about al Qaeda's plot to hijack planes and fly them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center.

Under cross-examination, Moussaoui said he rejoiced at seeing the smoldering rubble and hearing a recording of a doomed flight attendant begging for her life.

Moussaoui explained to jurors why he doesn't trust his defense team: "I consider every American my enemy."

Moussaoui's boldest revelations focused on the 9/11 plot, his role, and what he knew in advance of the terrorist attacks.

"I had knowledge that the two towers would be hit, but I did not have the details," Moussaoui told jurors.

Moussaoui said that while he didn't know the "precise date to the day" of the planned terrorist attacks, he knew they would come soon after his arrest in August 2001 in Minnesota. He said he made sure he had a radio in his jail cell.

When the first news reports on September 11 described a fire at the trade center, Moussaoui said, "I immediately understood."