Holiday Diet Dies a horribly yummy death


Well-Known Member I try and control myself over the holidays, but as usual..thanks to potluck sweets tables at work, it's not starting off well.

So much for that diet idea :p I try and control myself over the holidays, but as usual..thanks to potluck sweets tables at work, it's not starting off well.

So much for that diet idea :p

I don't even try. I do two workouts a day (half hour in the morning, my usual hour+ in the afternoon) most days in January though.
All I have is my nightly walk 45mins or so. I'm waiting for some decent snow so I can take out my cross-country skies and walk to the Hydro-power green spots. There's one a good 3kms long only about 10 minutes walk from my house.... but so far, no snow. :(
Some good not try to start an exercise program in January. That's when you run into the 'resolution' people. I see it every year at the base gym. SRO from 2 JAN to around 6 FEB, and then its business as usual. ;)
It's the Holidays...

Drink the nog
eat the cookies
enjoy the parties

for Janurary is a long month. Plenty o'time.