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I didn't even know of this till I saw it on the Internet. I'm ashamed...
Daniel was one of my (and my brother's) school mates. I feel absolutely gutted. God knows how his family must be feeling.
A MOTHER is blaming body piercing for the death of her 17-year-old son, who contracted a fatal dose of blood poisoning after having a ring put through his lip.
For eight long weeks Christina Anderson, 41, had to watch her son, Daniel Hindle, die a slow and agonising death, after he was struck down by septicaemia.
Ms Anderson, of Carvale Drive, Richmond, Sheffield, believes Daniel contracted the disease as a direct result of having his lip pierced at a Sheffield studio.
A-level student Daniel and his 18-year-old girlfriend, Naomi Storey, each decided to have part of their body pierced in October. He chose a lip ring and she a ring for her eyebrow.
But just days after getting his lip pierced, Daniel began vomiting uncontrollably and shaking with fever. Within a week he was in intensive care, being treated for blood poisoning.
Naomi's piercing also became infected, although far less seriously.
Now Ms Anderson is planning to launch a campaign to highlight the dangers of body piercings.
She is also planning to sue the shop where the teenagers were pierced.
She said: "Daniel was an ordinary boy, wanting to do all the things teenagers do. When he told me he wanted to have his lip pierced, I honestly didn't think he would do it, as teenagers are always saying they are going to do things.
"Even when he had it done, I didn't think anything of it, loads of teenagers are getting pierced. The world has gone piercing crazy. I was completely ignorant of the danger Daniel had put himself in.
"Had I known then what I know now, I would never have let Daniel do it. He would not have wanted it done either. If I had had all the facts and was aware of all the pitfalls, this would not have happened."
Daniel was born with one of his heart valves missing and had to undergo emergency surgery twice before the age of five.
Although he had been given a clean bill of health by heart consultants in September, Ms Anderson believes Daniel's heart condition speeded up his death.
"He was healthy and normal like every other teenager, but he could not fight infections to quite the same extent," added his mother.
"It is clear to me that Daniel's condition contributed greatly. But nowhere is there any warning of this potential danger. Instead he had to die a terrible death from a horrible, horrible disease. If can stop one more teenager going through this, then I will."
Daniel, who leaves four brothers and a sister, died just before Christmas on December 21. His funeral was held on Monday, at St Catherine's Church in Sheffield.
Peter Holden, a GP in Matlock, Derbyshire, and a member of the British Medical Association's national GP committee, last night equated Daniel's death to soldiers dying from shrapnel wounds in the First World War.
He said more should be done to stop piercings being carried out in non-sterile environments, such as fashion shops.
He said: "Deaths have been reported, but this is the first one I have been told about directly. But this is nothing other than shrapnel causing a wound. The history books are full of this. I think people too often equate having ears pierced with having their lips pierced.
"But this is not like piercing your ears. This is a very different ball game. You are piercing large chunks of body which have large blood supplies. This is not to be done light-heartedly, and some of us would argue it should not be done at all.
"In this particular piercing you puncture the inside lining of the mouth and the outside skin, creating a tunnel through the tissues, through which infections from outside world or the mouth can get straight to the bloodstream. These can travel straight into some of the major blood vessels of the body, and so any infection can rapidly spread."
He added anyone with a pre-existing condition such as Daniel's is definitely more at risk.
Daniel was one of my (and my brother's) school mates. I feel absolutely gutted. God knows how his family must be feeling.