
Staff member
OK, so, this is probably gonna be a long post...

My mom has a 2004 Cavalier and a 1976 Ford Truck

OK, so, she has the truck insured as an antique and there are all sorts of rules about how it can be used...I can not drive it because you need 10 years driving experience, it is not allowed to be used to commute to and from work, it is basically not allowed to be used as a "regular" vechile...it can't tow anything...she can't use it reguarly to do all the things you normally do with a vehicle (grocery shopping...whatever...)...It's for pleasure...to drive around it, take away on day trips, etc.

Now, the car is insured through a different company because the company that has the truck insured only insures antiques. The company that insures the car though refuses to reconize that the truck is NOT a regular vehicle. They WON'T insure me as primary driver on the car since I am under 25...and they won't let my mom be primary driver on the car because she has the truck...even though it is NOT allowed to be used as a regular vehicle...

I JUST got off the phone with the company who insures the truck and they just talked to the company who insures the car and the car insurance refuses to budge...so now we have to cancel the truck until we can find someone else who will insure the car and The lady who insures the truck is BAFFLED! She has NEVER heard of this happening before!


Anyway...any advice?

The options are...

1) Let the car insurance get cancelled cause they don't like that we have the truck
2) Cancel the truck insurance
3) Change my driver's licence to my hamilton addy and not be insured or able to drive at all

My mom and I believe that #2 is the best option right now...give us a chance to find new car insurance. If we can't find anything then I'm going to change my licence addy. I don't give a flying hoot what my momma says about it. I will sacrifice driving for a few years (prolly til I finish school and can buy my own car since my bf doesn't have a licence right now so won't be buying a car anytime soon).

Why did you bother to tell the car insurer about the truck. It's none of their damn business.

And I'm insured as first driver on 3 of my 4 vehicles.

If your insurer doesn't like it, change insurers. And tell the next one that their getting your call because you're leaving your old insurer because you're dissatisfied with their service. No, don't go into specifics. Just make it very plain that if they don't treat you like their best customer, they won't have you as a customer at all.
Yep, I would definitely shop around for the car insurance. Just becuase they say it's standard don't mean shit. It sounds to me like your best option means that the company you don't have a problem with gets hurt. Hurt the company you do have a problem with.
Professur said:
Why did you bother to tell the car insurer about the truck. It's none of their damn business.

And I'm insured as first driver on 3 of my 4 vehicles.

If your insurer doesn't like it, change insurers. And tell the next one that their getting your call because you're leaving your old insurer because you're dissatisfied with their service. No, don't go into specifics. Just make it very plain that if they don't treat you like their best customer, they won't have you as a customer at all.

We didn't tell 'em...their computers told them...

Yeah, 3 of the 4...and your wife is prolly on the other...my mom could have both IF my licence wasn't registered to her addy...if there is more than one licenced driver you have to have one "main" vehicle each before you can start having 2 per person...this is the truck is not allowed to be ANYONEs main vehicle and the car insurance company is to dense to get that!

We are trying to change insurers...but we have to cancel the truck so the car doesn't get cancelled on us :(
PuterTutor said:
Yep, I would definitely shop around for the car insurance. Just becuase they say it's standard don't mean shit. It sounds to me like your best option means that the company you don't have a problem with gets hurt. Hurt the company you do have a problem with.

Yeah...I know...but if we don't temporarily hurt them then we have no regular vehicle and my mom has a cancelled insurance policy on her record :(
I don't understand, why cancel the truck?

Go to a different agent, nothing has to be cancelled.
PuterTutor said:
I don't understand, why cancel the truck?

Go to a different agent, nothing has to be cancelled.

Because it takes days for most agents to get back to you...picking up insurance right away isn't as easy as I thought it would be...everyone wants a few days to check yoru record...or they wanna take your info and call you back...we've been looking for a few days now and we're waiting for calls back about the car from a buncha places...but we ran out of time...the company who insures the car told us to either cancel the truck or they were cutting our insurance on the car...
Nixy said:
Because it takes days for most agents to get back to you...picking up insurance right away isn't as easy as I thought it would be...everyone wants a few days to check yoru record...or they wanna take your info and call you back...we've been looking for a few days now and we're waiting for calls back about the car from a buncha places...but we ran out of time...the company who insures the car told us to either cancel the truck or they were cutting our insurance on the car...
Must be a Canada thing, I could go walking into any insurance agent in town and have proof of insurance cards printed up by noon.
I'd call them up there, sounds like your insurance company is trying to fuck you. Might as well be on the giving end rather than the reciever.
it must be a Brampton thing...I haven't done it a lot, but I've never had that happen either :confuse3:
PuterTutor said:
Must be a Canada thing, I could go walking into any insurance agent in town and have proof of insurance cards printed up by noon.

I guess so...some will get back to you the same day...some take WEEKS! The ones that take weeks I basically tell them (but in nicer words) to go fuck themselves...but...still haven't heard from anyone...even the ones who said it would take a day...*sigh*
no...it's a downside to the whole spouse keeping insurance and pretending to be primary driver for other spouse who lost their license due to *whatever* thing.
Yes they do no fault insurance...as in if your car is damaged your insurance pays no matter whose fault it is...BUT if it IS your fault your premiums go up...but they do not if it is not your fault...