holyhell, I'm a virgin no longer ...


Well-Known Member
I can't believe I did it but I gave myself a Christmas gift ... six of our brood of bitter friends decided to kakau (tattoo, as most of you know it, from the bastardization of the word over the centuries :D) our 'symbol of bitterness' on our persons. 3 of us got it yesterday, 3 more will get it next week. Here it is, 3 sharks teeth (in Hawaiian symbology, there should be an odd number of that item but not 1) in a kind of 'triquetra-esque' fashion. I still can't believe I did it - the tat artist (a friend of one of the 6) was like "this is your first? And you're doing your wrist??? COOL! LOL .. I didn't flinch or squeel or anything (for us, in tattooing - as in childbirth - showing displeasure of any kind is shameful) and though it hurt more than I thought it would, it didn't last long and I was able to watch him work and that was cool as hell! We all got it in our wrists - more symbolism. Anyway, here it is ...*I still can't believe I did it*
Wow! I'm jealous! I want a piece there! I want to see photos when it's all cleaned up and not swollen! :D
i still want one in henna (my daddy told me he'd rip any kakau i get off my skin - and yes, i still listen to my daddy) :D
My mother's talking about getting V2.0 a henna tattoo for christmas. I think it's an awful risk to take.
Number 2. She was there when I got mine and (of course) Daddy said it didn't hurt. And Aunty Tracy has all those tattoos too.

She's already planned out hers, and started complaining about the mandatory 18 years old law.
But what about my cheery fricking disposition and giving nature? What about that? What about my adherence to civic duty? I pick up litter, I volunteer at school, i'm a Daisy Scout leader, Heck! I return the flipping shopping cart to the appropriate place....but am I ever a good influence? Oh Nooooooo.