Gone through half a tank (couple hundred gallons capacity) in 2 weeks... is that bad for the dead of winter ? I only keep it at 68F for about 5 hours per day... the last 2 weeks... and it's used 100+ gallons ? Something wrong with this picture or no ?
rh, I work for Petro Oil but I fix computers, I don't know much about oil usage. Who's your oil company? If it's not us, it should be.
Seriously, do you have a service contract? I believe our customer service reps are trained to answer questions like that; based on the size of your oil tank and something called a degree day (it calculates how cold it is and will be to figure out when you'll need your next delivery), they should be able to tell you how much is normal. If it's not normal usage, your guage might be faulty or you might have a bigger problem and they could take a look at it.
I rent a house and don't pay for heat so I've never been all that concerned about how much we use.
I actually contracted Meenan the same day I got into the house after closing (last month). The reason for that was the previous owners used Meenan and on my day 1, the boiler decided to quit working on a schedule so I called the number attached to the boiler. They came right away and I signed a service contract right there. I did find that their $1.29/gal was among the cheapest, so I'm locked in for a year.
My parents had Petro for their house in the next town up until last month... they had Sunrise Oil and remained a customer when Petro bought them out. But it turns out Petro was going to start charging for a service contract (no longer free for them) so my parents switched as fast as you can dial a phone number. Petro is big and reputable (and owns Meenan too, they say)... but the timing wasn't right for either of us.
I will give Meenan a call about checking on my usage. I usually love Winters, but now that I have to pay my own bills...
Yes, we own Meenan too. We just acquired them last year. There aren't many choices around here. Either you go with the big guys (us/Meenan) or you go with the Mom & Pops...
I think what happens is when companies get bought out, they stay under their name and their policies for quite some time. But eventually, their policies conform to ours. I think it takes a few years. I was surprised to learn that both Giffords and Commander were bought by Petro also... Do you remember the Commander trucks? They had German Shepards on top of the trucks. We had one of those in the garage here for the longest time.
I used to do telemarketing for General Utilities Oil Company when I was 16. Sorry if I called you. There's also Slomins who's pretty big, no? Can't say I remember Commander. Parents are with a mom&pop outfit, but they did a whole new-boiler job for them for cheap... and they're recommended by a colleague... so the trust was there to a degree.
we have a 200 gal tank and that will last us most of the winter. we only really turn the heat up in the am and when we get home at night. usually keep the thermostat around 60-65.