Home phones to hit road


Well-Known Member
FCC approves rules to allow consumers to switch home numbers to their cell phones.

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Federal regulators have opened the way for consumers to have their home phone numbers transferred to their cell phones, another blow to local phone companies fighting increased competition from wireless phone providers.

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It's about time. But then, I'm still tied to a land line with DSL :(
I won't transfer my home number to my cell phone, but the husband and I decided it was pointless to pay $48+ a month in home phone bill (generic service, caller id, waiting, and that's about it), so we've cancelled it. We're joining the "cell phones only" group, I guess.
I would too if I had cable internet. I cancelled my cellphone a couple of years ago and trimmed down my land line service. I just don't get any real use outta caller id and all that extra stuff.
I don't know what I would do without my caller ID and Call Waiting ID. I've found it's been a godsend the last couple of months.
When I did have caller ID, seems like 99% of the time it just said "out of area". So I never knew who it was anyway. Besides, I'm not one to ho-hum around on the phone, if I don't wanna talk to you, I'll tell you or just hang up.
we were going to ditch the home phone when we got our new cell phones but we cant just yet. although the reception had improved, i still have a hard time getting a signal in parts of the house. we live on the side of a hill that is mostly rocky ledge, does a wonderful job of deflecting or blocking signals.
I'm not pro-phones at all, and I dont own one anyway, but when I get one I suppose it's going to be a cell phone and thats it, cell phones are taking over. Hell wireless stuff in general is takeing over, wireless networks, satalite T.V. ect.

We don't have video phones like in all those future movies, yet we have picture phones? How did that happen?