honey, could'ya pass the remote...?

tank girl

New Member
is this the future of the female orgasm....? :eyebrow:

"Orgasmatron inventor seeks female volunteers"

Clinical trials of the spinal implant have begun in the US with a call for more women to take part - but others think the device is unnecessary
Women who cannot have orgasms can now have a device implanted in their spines that will trigger the sensation for them. Clinical trials of the "orgasmatron" have begun in the US, with the approval of the Food and Drug Administration.

The device was the focus of massive media attention two years ago, after New Scientist broke the news of its existence and used the term orgasmatron to describe it....

.... one woman has completed the first stage of the trial, and one other is now being signed up. Meloy hopes to find eight more to complete the first stage of the study, in which wires connected to a battery pack are inserted through the skin and into the woman's spinal cord.

Remote control !!!!

The procedure is no riskier than an epidural, Meloy says. But epidurals can cause complications such as backache in up to a fifth of women. In the second stage, a self-contained device resembling a pacemaker will be implanted beneath the skin, switched on and off with a remote control.

Meloy, a pain specialist at Piedmont Anesthesia and Pain Consultants in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, stumbled on the idea while performing a routine pain-relief operation on a woman. During this procedure, two electrodes are inserted in the patient's spine and tiny pulses of electricity are applied.

Patients are kept conscious throughout the operation so that they can say when they feel less pain. During one such operation, the patient began exclaiming emphatically. When Meloy asked what was up, she said, "You're going to have to teach my husband to do that." :lol2:

....Paula Hall, a sex therapist with the UK counselling service Relate, says that most cases of sexual dysfunction are caused by psychological factors. "Lack of self-awareness and not experimenting enough are the most common reasons," she says. "In situations where all else has failed, some people might consider surgery, but I don't think having an operation is going to catch on."

But Meloy is confident that it will. "I don't see it any differently from procedures such as breast implants," he says.

er, so... where do I sign up? :p
alittle operated pack to give you an orgasm whenever you want.

like the song says ladies: HELL YEAH!!!
COUNT ME IN...... :devious: :blush:
tonksy said:
*is always one to volunteer.

Personally, I don't have any problems, nor do I see anything wrong - with getting off on a good old vibrator ;)
But I mean; how many guys would be so generous as to let you take a vibrator into bed with them to guarantee you actually get there every time?
Imagine - NEVER saving yourself the duty of "faking it" again!
sex would just be sooooo much better, having a guaranteed an orgasm with him when ''he' is there, and then again, being able to have one when 'he' is not :p

Imagine being able to keep going even....even after he's rolled over and just left you there!! :lol:

(I reckon I should be an orgasmatron Saleswoman. I'd make a fortune :D)

It astounds me to see the depths people will go for self gratification.

:erm: Yeah, like what, masturbation? since when was the right to having an orgasm a crime? guys have had the "hand mechanics" and path to guaranteed orgasm installed by nature since day one; now it seems we're getting a more sophisticated 'helping hand' -( cos more often than not - 'nature' tends to fail...) to, er - "stand in" for where nature left off
(I reckon I should be an orgasmatron Saleswoman. I'd make a fortune )

imagine the benefits for stress relief! Relaxation! Road Rage! Boredom! an appetite suppressant! (just buzz instead of eat, you get the picture) or..to help you quit smoking

PMS! ...

the list goes on...
tank girl said:
Personally, I don't have any problems, nor do I see anything wrong - with getting off on a good old vibrator ;)
But I mean; how many guys would be so generous as to let you take a vibrator into bed with them to guarantee you actually get there every time?
Imagine - NEVER saving yourself the duty of "faking it" again!
sex would just be sooooo much better, having a guaranteed an orgasm with him when ''he' is there, and then again, being able to have one when 'he' is not :p

Imagine being able to keep going even....even after he's rolled over and just left you there!! :lol:

(I reckon I should be an orgasmatron Saleswoman. I'd make a fortune :D)


:erm: Yeah, like what, masturbation? since when was the right to having an orgasm a crime? guys have had the "hand mechanics" and path to guaranteed orgasm installed by nature since day one; now it seems we're getting a more sophisticated 'helping hand' -( cos more often than not - 'nature' tends to fail...) to, er - "stand in" for where nature left off
actually i was thinking of band practice nights when he isn't around...i simply can't complain otherwise (sorry if that is :tmi: )

$17,000. & a large, bulky machine will be attached to your body.
tank girl said:
trueee...though for that I could also have the option of hiring a few male experts to do it for me :lol2:
like pay for sex? i'm confused...does that mean buy the beer?
tank girl said:
Personally, I don't have any problems, nor do I see anything wrong - with getting off on a good old vibrator ;)
But I mean; how many guys would be so generous as to let you take a vibrator into bed with them to guarantee you actually get there every time?
Imagine - NEVER saving yourself the duty of "faking it" again!

sex would just be sooooo much better, having a guaranteed an orgasm with him when ''he' is there, and then again, being able to have one when 'he' is not :p

*CB hold's hand up proudly!*

Me! Me! Me! Been there done that... a vibrator can also be pretty good for the guy you know... and my advice sister NEVER FAKE!

If you do he'll be doing the same old same old forever...

Imagine being able to keep going even....even after he's rolled over and just left you there!! :lol:

Who the Hell do you sleep with honey?

The old and infirm or is it a career choice? :eek:

Can't say I've ever had the misfortune of encountering a "guy" like that!
tank girl said:

:erm: Yeah, like what, masturbation? since when was the right to having an orgasm a crime? guys have had the "hand mechanics" and path to guaranteed orgasm installed by nature since day one; now it seems we're getting a more sophisticated 'helping hand' -( cos more often than not - 'nature' tends to fail...) to, er - "stand in" for where nature left off

Um, firstoff, may I say "bullshit" in a loud and undignified manner. Perhaps you've heard of viagra? (Which I don't particularly condone either). Male erectile surgery? Penile implants? No guy's ever had a guarantee anymore than any woman has, so please forgo the sexist crap. Thank you.

My point was, specifically, the lunacy of having a spinal implant for sexual gratification. A spinal implant. At least, with the male penile implant (which, again, I don't approve) both partners benefit. But to undergo the risk of unnecessary surgery, the risk of infection, and risk of paralysis .... for an orgasm .... *shudder*. That mankind has descended so far that this is even conceived leaves little hope for any kind of recovery.

And for the record. I'd feel, (and see above, I do feel) that male support of similar kind is no better.
rah rah I take your point. And er, no I don't believe I was being sexist, merely taking a stand for something that has been convieniently ignored for too long. ERRR....Have you ever heard of the HITE REPORT? sure, it may have been written years ago but the point is - even today women's sexual satisfaction is conviniently sidelined, female masturbation and satisfaction has been relatively unspoken of and ignored compared to mens. In fact, the point you make about Viagra couldn't help my point better. By comparison to mens sexual dysfunction, female dysfunction is far to easily ignored and unspoken of and significantly marginalised in relation to mens. Even I know girlfriends who still feel the pressure to FAKE IT every time merely to "please" their partner and place far more importance on that rather than see to their own self-gratification and sexual satisfaction as equally as men have forever had the social priveledge to see to openly.

And yeah, a spinal implant is a bit of a drastic extreme, sure - this was merely a tongue in cheek thread - sure- but it is no secret that the female orgasm is a delicate thing, and most men have no idea what to do with a clitoris to get a girl going because they're obsessed with the penile side of things.

And by the way, I too, don't really think that a spinal implant is neccesary as a regular everyday option, I too agree that something natural shouldn't be interfered with and a vibrator does the job just fiiiiine :D . I just think that the idea of having a remote instead of waiting 20 minutes for the guy to find it or having to fake it in silent frustration or use a vibrator and waste batteries in order to get it :lol: (which i find is far more effective and quicker than any male effort btw) ....is fucking hilarious because it reflects the state our cultural bias is today in relation to male sexual satisfaction versus female. I think its tragic that women today feel they should just fake it and think that that is an acceptable thing!

However, as far as victims of female clitoral circumcision go,- I am quite sure that this kind of surgery would be quite a wonderful thing, if it could get to the internal nerves which generate the orgasm which can't be accessed from outside stimulation.
tank girl said:
rah rah I take your point.

Then you probably should have stopped right there.

And er, no I don't believe I was being sexist, merely taking a stand for something that has been convieniently ignored for too long. ERRR....Have you ever heard of the HITE REPORT?

No, actually, I haven't.

sure, it may have been written years ago but the point is - even today women's sexual satisfaction is conviniently sidelined, female masturbation and satisfaction has been relatively unspoken of and ignored compared to mens.

the point is .... what? That men don't care enough about women's orgasms? Why, exactly, would they? No, think for a minute before you go spouting another slogan. Do women particularly care about a man's orgasm?

In fact, the point you make about Viagra couldn't help my point better. By comparison to mens sexual dysfunction, female dysfunction is far to easily ignored and unspoken of and significantly marginalised in relation to mens. Even I know girlfriends who still feel the pressure to FAKE IT every time merely to "please" their partner and place far more importance on that rather than see to their own self-gratification and sexual satisfaction as equally as men have forever had the social priveledge to see to openly.

Now, you lost me somewhere in there. How does something for men's erectile dysfunction equate to ignoring women's dysfunction? And exactly which female dysfunction are you referring to? I know of several.

As for women 'faking it', sorry, that doesn't wash. By faking it, your 'friends' are only marginalising themselves. If the guy thinks they're enjoying it, exactly what is he supposed to be doing to fix it? HE HASN'T BEEN TOLD IT'S BROKEN YET!!!

And yeah, a spinal implant is a bit of a drastic extreme, sure - this was merely a tongue in cheek thread - sure- but it is no secret that the female orgasm is a delicate thing, and most men have no idea what to do with a clitoris to get a girl going because they're obsessed with the penile side of things.

Most men have no idea .... because women don't tell them. I challenge any woman alive to tell her man that "doing this, this, and that, and I'll howl so loud the neighbours will call the cops" and him not try it.

And by the way, I too, don't really think that a spinal implant is neccesary as a regular everyday option, I too agree that something natural shouldn't be interfered with and a vibrator does the job just fiiiiine :D . I just think that the idea of having a remote instead of waiting 20 minutes for the guy to find it or having to fake it in silent frustration or use a vibrator and waste batteries in order to get it :lol: (which i find is far more effective and quicker than any male effort btw) ....is fucking hilarious because it reflects the state our cultural bias is today in relation to male sexual satisfaction versus female. I think its tragic that women today feel they should just fake it and think that that is an acceptable thing!

I think it's tragic that women should take something that's supposed to be passionate and intimate, and regularly lie about it. But if a woman's willing to lie in "silent frustration" that would seem to me to be her problem. See about about perhaps teaching.

However, as far as victims of female clitoral circumcision go,- I am quite sure that this kind of surgery would be quite a wonderful thing, if it could get to the internal nerves which generate the orgasm which can't be accessed from outside stimulation.

Sorry, honey. That's by far the stupidest thing said yet. A quick survey of members on this site would (and did) show that most men here are circumcised. And I can't recall one having volunteered for the procedure. I can't recall any women here being circumcised, tho. Although I'll allow that perhaps they're sitting in "silent frustration" about it. But somehow, I can't see any situation where a victim of female circumcision would ever have the opportunity to have an implant for orgasms, since the prevention of orgasms was the whole damn point of cutting off her clit in the first place
Three words: Pelvic floor exercises. These go a long way towards alleviating any problems related to the female orgasm.