honey, could'ya pass the remote...?

Sorry, honey. That's by far the stupidest thing said yet [/I]

:erm: errr DITTO! where did I refer to an ACTUAL situation? the whole point of the concept I first mentioned is in theory. THEORY - not as an empirical, observational, realistic proposition or anything.

Point number #1: Is this the future of the female orgasm?
for starters was to set the ball rolling on a discussion...a question, a LIGHT discussion not an overdramatic argument or consideration of it being an actual situation to be taken seriously. Because, really... it is fucking hilarious that the female orgasm is sooo much more sophisticated than a male one, and that wouldn't it be soooo much easier "in theory" if we could walk around with a remote. As a girl, I think this is quite funny..."in theory" would save a lot of frustration. :lol2:. But seriously, can you really imagine do-it-yourself orgasm kits selling on the shelves in the future, with a "his" and 'hers' remote?? !!!!! Not entirely unbelievable but funny all the same.

If you can't take this sense of humour because it is somehow threatening your precious masculinity, I suggest that if you are so sensitive about such a female-orientated issue you avoid this thread because clearly you know nothing about it and are looking for somewhere to "attack the sexist feminist bitch" on your own terms.

#2: The only actual situation where I can see this kind of operation of having real positive benifits is through victims of female genital mutilation or FGM (And thinking about it further: also a really important breakthrough for those paralysed from the waist down too). From your perspective, it is obvious that you can't make any sense of the point as you can only compare it to male circumcision. Your example is implausible because for starters societies which undertake this procedure are generally islamic or african and probably far far away from any access to the privileged western/white/male architecture of the internet, NOT TO MENTION IT IS BANNED IN THE WESTERN WORLD

- and secondly in respomse to this:

But somehow, I can't see any situation where a victim of female circumcision would ever have the opportunity to have an implant for orgasms, since the prevention of orgasms was the whole damn point of cutting off her clit in the first place

No, that is the stupidist thing yet - Did you think that somehow the 3 year old infant lying on a mat about to be held down and operated on with unsterilised instruments without anaesthetic in some hut had a choice about it? (I do however accept that neither do newborn male infants - but at least they are not completely robbed the ability to enjoy sex.)

I was not suggesting it as an automatic solution but merely a real hope - a choice - for future women who have the opportunity to escape a culture that still undertakes such barbaric procedures. I don't think any man or woman would wish to live a life denied of the enjoyment of sex and so the opportunity is there for women who otherwise would be denied and unable to ever experience the minblowingness of a full blown orgasm- a second chance to be able to gain an ability that should never be denied ANY human being.

Might I also say, that the surgical procedure undertaken by a consenting adult female to undertake circumcision only involves the removal of the hood - not the whole clitorus - which is for mostly hygenic, cosmetic and personal reasons - further more, this is actually said to ENHANCE sexual pleasure due to the fact that the "extra baggage" was getting in the way...

so...honey if you want a battle of the sexes go to a RW thread. :rolleyes: Try not to be so defensive - this is not an attack on men, merely a discussion on something that relates more to a female perspective than a male one, as you have most graciously demonstrated.

PS:I forgot proffesur: did I fail to point out that because I have feminist sympathies I also hate men!?

OHHHH I am SOOO SORRY for clarifying that point to you, "hon":

(If you believe that every feminist hates men, you'll believe anything)

More info on Female genital Mutilation can be found here:



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Re: Horny Brits plug into internet vibrator

I was ogling that this morning. Awesome! :D