Honey I'd love to do the dishes,but...

Not really. If you don't have the place jacked up solid, well ... After the first few thrusts, the furniture sorta migrates. Explains that bumpersticker on the back of the house.
tonksy said:
sometimes the the dangly bits can mend themselves...or scar tissue forms, enabling a route for sperm...which is why you have to provide samples to be tested a couple times afterwards...but it is sooo much easier for a man to be fixed...a woman can get her tubes cauterized without real surgery...but again, not always 100% and it is more invasive...a hysterectomy involves alot of invasive procedures.

Actually they can tie ones tubes through your belly button these days...no cutting required.
I always said, when I'm on my death bed, I don't want to look back on my life and say "Y'know, I wish I'd done xxxxxx when I had the chance.
Nixy said:
Actually they can tie ones tubes through your belly button these days...no cutting required.
seems to me that there has to be an incision to get through the belly button....but the safest thing is a hysterectomy...if you aren't planning to use it anymore it suits to have one...lest area for cancer to set in....but then i have cancer rampant in my family.

Why all the fixing talk? i'm pretty sure most ppl on the forum aren't that overly frisky....
Yeah, I guess there has to be a small incision tonks but no massive cutting of muscle etc.

Yeah, I wonder why people don't just get the whole shebangs taken out...my mom had hers done when my brother was born (by C-section) and like 10 years later needed a hysterectomy...wonder why the doc didn't suggest taking it all at first...I guess cause she was still only 29 and a hysterectomy is not reversible while sometimes fixing is...:shrug:
Well, a woman's ovaries produce hormones that actually keep a woman from freakin' out and going medieval on her honey. Just look at the women who are going through menopause and there's your proof.

So, taking out the uterus and not the ovaries is sometimes best. However, my mom died of ovarian cancer. So, that won't be an option for me when the time comes, I suppose. :eh:

Oh, and about the housework... there's no reason for one person to do it all... unless it's the man. :evilsmok:

"Go get me a beer and make me a sandwich!" :whip: