Hormones anyone?


New Member
Yesterday the hormones really took over my brain. I knew I was acting stupid, but I didn't care. I was upset because my mom wanted me to cook dinner and there wasn't enough of any one thing to cook a decent dinner. I was getting upset and Erik said that we could go out to eat if I wanted. This was so sweet of him, but I know how tight money is right now and we were in a house full of food. Eventually I threw in a pot pie for Alex, made some chicken and rice stuff for me and Erik and some hamburger crap for my mom and brother.

The point is, I was acting all crazy and I knew that I was being irrational. Pregnancy is odd.

What is the craziest pregnancy 'tantrum' you've had to go through or witness?
PrincessLissa said:
Yesterday the hormones really took over my brain. I knew I was acting stupid, but I didn't care. I was upset because my mom wanted me to cook dinner and there wasn't enough of any one thing to cook a decent dinner. I was getting upset and Erik said that we could go out to eat if I wanted. This was so sweet of him, but I know how tight money is right now and we were in a house full of food. Eventually I threw in a pot pie for Alex, made some chicken and rice stuff for me and Erik and some hamburger crap for my mom and brother.

The point is, I was acting all crazy and I knew that I was being irrational. Pregnancy is odd.

What is the craziest pregnancy 'tantrum' you've had to go through or witness?
tantrums? i can't think of any specific ones but when i didn't want to do something it didn't happen. i know i was a pain in the butt over my food. i had to have lingonberry pancakes at 3am a time or two. i liked sushi as a midnight snack too.
I, once, threw a vase out the window...those hormones can sure make you looney during pregnancy.
The wife person amde it pretty easy on me. On the rare occassions when she could feel one coming she couldn't control, she'd tell me so, and to get the fuck out while I still could.
HomeLAN said:
The wife person amde it pretty easy on me. On the rare occassions when she could feel one coming she couldn't control, she'd tell me so, and to get the fuck out while I still could.
I hope you get down on your knees and kiss the ground that woman walks on. From what I've heard she deserves it.
I've always countered any hormone conversation with this joke:

Q: How do you make a hormone?
A: Don't pay her.

Apparently, that's the cleanest version of that joke in existence. Most punchlines involve something being wiped on the curtains.
Q:Whats the difference between a vitamin and a Hormone?




A: You can't make a Vita min.

*if it doesn't make sense ,say it out loud .

Inkara1 said:
Oh, I get it alright... :p

OK saying it out loud and still not getting it???

Not sure about doing off the wall things when i was pregnant, just bad cravings, watermellon mostly, and sleeping with fifty million pillows all over the bed to get comfy.
Hormone issues...no...not violent ones at the least...though there were tears! :crying4:

Just the joy of me sleeping next to a thermo-nuclear reactor nightly, who insisted on piling on more covers and more comforters and trying to spoon me. I lost so much damn weight on sweat alone.
BeardofPants said:
Haha, I don't need no stinkin' pregnancy to make me an irrational gibbering wreck. :tardbang:

Perhaps, with you, a pregnancy will have a stabilizing effect...:D
I would hope so - if I were ever inclined to get knocked up - cos otherwise the world might have to prepare the second coming of the anti-christ. :hmm:
Winky said:
And you have postpartum psychosis to look forward too.

WIth my first one it wasn't so bad. I got a bit sad at the hospital cause I was bored, lonely and had a shitty husband that was more excited to go to work to pass out cigars and drink than stay with me and the baby.