Hospital staff and 911 operators refuse to help woman dying on the floor

this hospital has a history of dangerous mismanagement and that this is a fault of the staff and the 911 operators.

No, it is the fault of the hospital administration. The staff follows orders so they can retain their job. 911 operators have Jack Schidt to do with what happens in a hospital.
Hospital administration is still part of the staff and I didn't say the 911 operators had anything to do with what happens in the hospital.
How wonderful to live in a place where it is a right. I could walk straight in from the street, mutter something barely understandable, and their only concern is what I ate that day. *thankful*

Anybody who runs the Dept of Motor Vehicles or is somehow connected to the State Dept had damn well better stay out of my healthcare.
Interesting how you guys want to blame this on illegals without any evidence.

...can you say USC Medical Center? As we were leaving LA, they were closing the ER doors (last in the city) for the exact reason of which Winky speaks.

The illegals (along with the misfit Americans) decided that ERs were quicker & cheaper than doctors offices. If you need an emergency physician, I hope it comes between 8am & 4pm.
Anybody who runs the Dept of Motor Vehicles or is somehow connected to the State Dept had damn well better stay out of my healthcare.

do you think the assholes at your insurer are any less of sluglike bureaucrats? Shit they're prolly the losers who tried for a good stable gubmint job but did lousy on the civil service exam.
do you think the assholes at your insurer are any less of sluglike bureaucrats? Shit they're prolly the losers who tried for a good stable gubmint job but did lousy on the civil service exam.

I'll take my chance with free enterprise over government anyday, anytime.
Yes, you did.

No, not at all.

has a history of dangerous mismanagement and that this is a fault of the staff and the 911 operators.

By "this" I meant the woman's death not the hospital mismanagement. This situation (woman dying) is a fault of the staff and the 911 operators.
The same people who run your post office or your DMV or you State Dept (all inept basards, each & every one) are the same ones you're willing to trust with your life & limb? They can't get a letter across the street without a committtee. You want them doing an emergency appendectomy ona Sunday night?
spike said:
By "this" I meant the woman's death not the hospital mismanagement. This situation (woman dying) is a fault of the staff and the 911 operators.

I think its all her fault, or Spike's!

Did you perforate her bowel, you evil liberal?
Right, so if you read it again then you noticed that I said "blame this on illegals". That did not indicate that someone accused her specifically of being illegal (until Winky's recent flub) but that people were blaming the situation on illegals.

For instance you said the staff probably thought she was illegal and then there's Winky's silly rants about illegals.

Like I've pointed out with the link this hospital has a history of dangerous mismanagement and that this is a fault of the staff and the 911 operators.

Gotcha. But I disagree completely.
What, so now you are admitting responsibility for this woman’s death?
Where will it end?
Oh I know a big fat lawsuit, coming right out of the taxpayers infinitely deep pockets.
Gimme another Micket Dee’s coffee.
No, not at all.

has a history of dangerous mismanagement and that this is a fault of the staff and the 911 operators.

By "this" I meant the woman's death not the hospital mismanagement. This situation (woman dying) is a fault of the staff and the 911 operators.

I have but one more teeny weeny question here.

How much work experience do you, personally, have in any facet (direct care, billing, supply sales, whatever) of the health care profession? Not your mother, not your I pledge this to be my final question on the matter.

*please accusations, no insinuations, no nothing. Just a question.*
The same people who run your post office or your DMV or you State Dept (all inept basards, each & every one) are the same ones you're willing to trust with your life & limb?
Of course! Dork.

If I need medical attention, I go where I get it.
I hope they get the black crow that falsified the documents and give that person 70 years in prison. Falsifying documents should hold great consequences too. Children protective services does it all the time. Thier lies win over in courts all the time. Now I agree really abused children should be protected, but half the time children are taken for reasons such as things said by a mentally ill child that does not know what they are saying/doing as in one such case I heard of an autistic girl that behaves differently the school even used a phsycic, you got it a phsycic reader said the child was being sexually abused and the teacher believed it and called in protective services and the mother had to go to the school for a meeting and the childs behaviours were discussed as abnormal and they played more on this. Many parents with children with ADHD, ADD, Autism, ODD, Aspergers etc... are questioned constantly by protective services.

It is time to make people accountable for thier lies no matter what the situation is. Nobody should have the right to ruin someones life because of exagerations or lies by what wording they put down on paper.

In this case here they took someones life away. Shame on the system.