House approves repeal of gay ban in military

They are also in the position of needing bodies in uniform, so they will accept anyone that is willing. You cannot compare our situation with anyone elses because we are not in their situation.

Sure, we've never had any shortage of bodies in uniform or anything. :confuse2:

The Israeli army has no bar because of their situation. They are surrounded by countries that would like to see them disappear, and they have a small population. They have no choice if they wish to survive as a nation. Countries in Europe have homosexuals in their military because their militaries are looked down upon as a bad choice of career, they have relatively small populations, and they are war-weary

I'd love to see the evidence that shows they only let gays in the military because of a shortage of bodies.
@gato: lighten up, francis.

Like I said before...I know that gays have been, and are, serving in the military. The problem came from them flaunting the rules. As for the house ruling...did they also get rid of the FEDERAL laws against sodomy? If not, then they haven't done diddly.
you can't tell me that f'ing EVERYBODY doesn't "flaunt" (oh, the shamelessness - great choice of words, cuz, you know, they're like that) the rules at some level or another. should no one EVER be allowed to discuss any matter of sexuality while in the service? gee, don't comment on that cute chick at the bar to the master seaman sitting next to you.
you can't tell me that f'ing EVERYBODY doesn't "flaunt" (oh, the shamelessness - great choice of words, cuz, you know, they're like that) the rules at some level or another. should no one EVER be allowed to discuss any matter of sexuality while in the service? gee, don't comment on that cute chick at the bar to the master seaman sitting next to you.

Sorry. Your response is in error. Flaunting the rules results in punishment across the board. That kind of thing is prosecuted all the time. That's why we have an EEO department under the JAG. Thanks for playing. Too bad your ignorance on the matter is apparent to anybody who ever wore a uniform. ;)