House OKs Bill to Protect Pledge


New Member
Now if they can keep Kennedy off this all will be good...
The House, citing the nation's religious origins, voted Wednesday to protect the Pledge of Allegiance from federal judges who might try to stop schoolchildren and others from reciting it because of the phrase "under God."

The legislation, a priority of social conservatives, passed 260-167. It now goes to the Senate where its future is uncertain.

"We should not and cannot rewrite history to ignore our spiritual heritage," said Rep. Zach Wamp, R-Tenn. "It surrounds us. It cries out for our country to honor God."
*sigh* You understand that that part of the Pledge was inserted in the 1950s, right? In response to Joe McCarthy's witch hunt. It was never part of the original Pledge, which was of course more in keeping with the spirit of America rather than the spirit of Amerika.
See, in America we have freedom of religion, not freedom of christianity. ;)

The "under god" bit was a knee jerk reaction to the anti-communism hysteria created by McCarthy. Godless commies and all that. I really don't care about the religious signifigance since it doesn't mean anything to me anyway, I just think that, given it's origin in one of the darkest chapters of American history, it would be better to drop it. Just my opinion.
highwayman said:
Very good, you know your history..Are you sugesting we as a nation take a step back?
You consider the McCarthy era a step forward?
chcr said:
You consider the McCarthy era a step forward?

No, but the removal of "under God" from the pledge would be.
Yes I know you are atheist but consider somebody elses beliefs, not everybody believes the same thing or the same way...
spike said:
Hence the removal of "Under God".

That is the same thing as forcing your beliefs on somebody that does..Going by that mentality you will also need to remove "in God we trust" from all paper money and coins that is minted...

While you are on your little crusade why not ban all objectional material from all public and private libraries and collections, then allow a shithead like Michael "I'm off my medication" Moore rewrite everything and tell you what to think...
chcr said:
You consider the McCarthy era a step forward?
highwayman said:
No, but the removal of "under God" from the pledge would be.
Exactly! ;)
highwayman said:
Yes I know you are atheist but consider somebody elses beliefs, not everybody believes the same thing or the same way...
I know you probably don't accept this, but I couldn't care less about the religious connotations, except that they contribute to the theocritization of America. You are aware that much of the rest of the world considers us a christian theocracy? That's not my point though. Call on god every other breath if you want to, it means nothing to me. The point is that the original pledge did not contain the words, they were inserted under threat. What does this say about our country?

"Not everybody believes the same thing or the same way..." is a separate point, but the fact is that you want your beliefs included and mine ignored. How would that be any different from me wanting mine included and yours ignored? Given the argument about the pledge, the sensible thing would be to revert to the original pledge before the Daughters of the Revolution or the McCarthy-ites fucked with it. Are you aware that the original was written by a baptist minister? Clearly he didn't think it needed to be there.

Just so we're clear on what we're discussing:
I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.'
chcr said:
I know you probably don't accept this, but I couldn't care less about the religious connotations, except that they contribute to the theocritization of America. You are aware that much of the rest of the world considers us a christian theocracy? That's not my point though. Call on god every other breath if you want to, it means nothing to me. The point is that the original pledge did not contain the words, they were inserted under threat. What does this say about our country?

At this point I will say that it does not matter about if I can accept it or not, I consider myself a realist and traveled enough to know that the beliefs here in America is not a universal constant, in fact a person can go from one region to another and come across completly diferent set of beliefs or even lifestyles...

chcr said:
Are you aware that the original was written by a baptist minister?

Yes, and from what I know is that his politics had been left of center..

Just so we're clear on what we're discussing:

I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.'

Thank you for the reminder...
Consider this, the pledge can be argued a prayer to the flag of America even without the "under God" part, so why not have the entire pledge removed or stricken?

I for one would not want to see it completly removed, at this point it is part of the American culture, wether under God is removed or left in...
chcr said:
See, in America we have freedom of religion, not freedom of christianity. ;)

More like freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. ;) :p

chcr said:
The "under god" bit was a knee jerk reaction to the anti-communism hysteria created by McCarthy. Godless commies and all that. I really don't care about the religious signifigance since it doesn't mean anything to me anyway, I just think that, given it's origin in one of the darkest chapters of American history, it would be better to drop it. Just my opinion.

I liked what Eisenhower said about it:

In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America's heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country's most powerful resource in peace and war.
That is the same thing as forcing your beliefs on somebody that does..Going by that mentality you will also need to remove "in God we trust" from all paper money and coins that is minted...

That I have to disagree with. Removing it will just be that: removing it. By having it there is forcing of one's beliefs there. Without it, there is not one. However there are more important things to worry about. Oh and where the money is concerned: It has been there though without it, again there is less religion being endorsed by government.
Gotholic said:
More like freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. ;) :p
Semantic bullshit and I suspect you know it. If you simply can't help being that obtuse, keep quiet unless you have something cogent and intelligent to add.
chcr said:
*sigh* You understand that that part of the Pledge was inserted in the 1950s, right? In response to Joe McCarthy's witch hunt. It was never part of the original Pledge, which was of course more in keeping with the spirit of America rather than the spirit of Amerika.

Do I need to go find the post I made about the authorship of the pledge? How is something written by socialists and communists in an attempt to brainwash children "ion keeping with the spirit of America"?

They are doing the wrong thing for the right reason here IMO.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Do I need to go find the post I made about the authorship of the pledge? How is something written by socialists and communists in an attempt to brainwash children "ion keeping with the spirit of America"?

They are doing the wrong thing for the right reason here IMO.
He was a christian socialist, not a communist and if you can find any socialist rhetoric in his pledge, please point it out because I have missed it.