
What's the houseplant situation at your place?

  • I have one around here somewhere...I think it's dead.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I have one or two and want more.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I have several.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • It's like a jungle in here! If you listen carefully you hear pygmies.

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Are you getting me? That's like a responsibilty, man...

    Votes: 4 26.7%

  • Total voters
When I left home, I had a pineapple plant that was doing nicely, and a small pecan tree that was just starting to poke out of the pot. They're most likely dead now, as my wife has a brown thumb. :mope:
tonksy said:
Dave? my ferns don't do great because this house gets so dry. I have had success with a boston fern that i've placed near a sunny window and away from an air vent. Do you mist yours.
I can't grow ivy inside here for the same reason, just shrivels up and dies.
Red? If you are an overwaterer you could try a coleus. I can bring you a clipping if you like.

I think I am actually an underwaterer... But sure! I have no idea what kind of plant that is, but Nan Nan will enjoy saving it with the rest of them. :D
It's not dead! I've been watering it everyday cause it's been really sucking back the water...and IT'S ALIVE
I have 2 nice, expensive plants now, that I kept from my dads funeral.
They are both slowly fading. I'm just not good with house plants, well
actually I'm not good with anything that's potted.
I can get them started good, but as soon as they start to get past
the teenager stage more toward full grown, they give up on me. :(
I don't think they like cigarette smoke, and there's still 2 fulltime smokers here.:shrug:

EDIT: I did happen to think. I used to have some for those plants that just
would grow on air, and they lived for years. I've also had some luck with some
cactus, but I'm not real fond of them though.
Cat? Toss them on your porch for now. The weather is moderate enough and your porch will give them shelter from the sun and a break from the smoke. What do they look like?
here's the fresh pics.
One is a Peace Lilly, and the other a Tulip I think.
The Lillis, may be too far gone. They have big leaves, and I don't think
they are getting enough water or something.
The Tulips...the flowers are gone, but the leafy part looks fine....

lilly fresh......

Like a sunny position but direct sunlight should be avoided

temperatures between 59-70F. If kept at about 65F they will grow all year. They don't like drafts and need a humid atmosphere, so keep on trays of moist pellets or moss.

Watered with moderate amounts, don't let dry completely. Avoid overwatering as this could result in wilting.

Use a standard liquid fertilizer and administer every two weeks while it's growing.

Underfeeding - If underfed, the leaves will become patchy, yellow and ragged.

So, it actually sounds like you're overwatering it. That could mean too much at once, or too little too often.

There are plant watering monitoring thingies (clay worms etc) that you can put in the pot that will tell you when to water. Maybe that'd help.

The lily doesn't look beyond help to me. I think I would pinch off the really bad dried leaves so it's not got so much stress, keep it out of draft, let it dry out some. Keep it outside if it's sheltered from wind and not in direct sun.
I think your tulip is actually an Orchid.

Needs good light at all times and will benefit where they receive direct sunlight in the winter. Must be protected from hot summer sun.

Need a cool winter, keep around 45F. In summer, temp should not rise around 68F.

Watering - if possible, use rain water at room temperature. Water in the morning on sunny days. Watering once a day may be necessary in the summer, but once or twice a week will be more usual at other times a year, with weekly or bi-weekly intervals in winter

Most orchids need supplementary feeding during the growing season. Feed regularly during the summer, not at all during the resting phase (fall/winter)
They don't like drafts and need a humid atmosphere, so keep on trays of moist pellets or moss.
I think that's the key.
Most of these have been in a greenhouse invironment probably, so I need
more 'humidity.
It did ok for a couple of days. I started out ading little water, then increased
it because they were wilting.
Then I forgot for 2 days to water due to work stuff, and that's now when
it layed down.
I just now added ater til it ran out the holes because there's no pan under it.
I put one under the tulip, and that may be why it's still doing ok.:thumbup:

EDIT, yep orchid...I couldn't think of it...
I looked it up and this is kind of a rare one I think.??
Probably the lily would be happier if you let it mostly dry out, watered it well, then left it alone till it mostly dried out again.

Lilies are bulbs, and the bulbs can rot if they're sitting in wet all the time, which is what happens when you water it every couple days. That makes it so you're giving it not enough water to keep it alive yet at the same time making it sit in water constantly.
Leslie said:
Probably the lily would be happier if you let it mostly dry out, watered it well, then left it alone till it mostly dried out again.

Lilies are bulbs, and the bulbs can rot if they're sitting in wet all the time, which is what happens when you water it every couple days. That makes it so you're giving it not enough water to keep it alive yet at the same time making it sit in water constantly.
So you're saying I need a catch pan under it then?
I can see Leslie has everything well in hand. For more humidity you could keep it in the bathroom.
Also, don't feel bad about the Easter lilly. They say those are one of the easiest plants to grow but I have killed everyone I have ever owned.