You sound like you know what you need. And what you need to get it. Consider though, if this is a step up from an apartment that even though it may not be exactly what you want, you will still be a property owner. (If it's a condo and not a coop that is)
That outweighs some of the annoyance of living there because feasibly, you could wait out the slump and make a profit when you sell and move into a house. Although you're not going to want to, you have to be open to compromise. I didn't get the 1/3 acre I was looking for and a 3rd bedroom, but we still have a pretty damn good house in a much better neighborhood.
Do you have a better MLS website for your area, with more pictures? The MLS website here ( has a lot of pics so that we could strike a lot of the places we found off the list based on what we saw. We didn't hire a realtor even, I did everything myself.
Can I make a suggestion? Draft a spreadsheet of your monthly/yearly expenses and even include things like movies, eating out, gas cost, car washes, etc. and see where you end up. Use your bank account debits/credits to help because I guarantee there will be things forgotten like magazine subscriptions. Include things you pay off, your monthly payment, when it will be paid off and interest rates on your loan(s) and credit cards.
I know it seems a really basic thing, but when we did it, it was a huge eye opener. We opened a new credit card with a 0% rate and transferred the balance of my car payment over to it. I was paying 12% on my car loan at the time.

We knew we could pay off that balance before the rate went up in a year. And because the car was older and no longer had a lein on it, I was able to take the comp and collision off of it and save some dough there too.
I guess what it comes down to is planning way ahead of time. If the market keeps going down, this time next year would probably be a great time to buy. If you get your credit score and your savings account where it needs to be, you may be able to do it. Do you have a state-sponsored way to get your credit report for free? NY has one, you can do it once per year. It's always good to know exactly what's on it. Rusty found something on his that was actually bogus but it came off his report one month later, it was so old.
Inky, if you want help it, I can help. It's been my main preoccupation for the last two years so if I can tell you anything, just ask.