How about now?


molṑn labé
Staff member
President Obama said:
Yesterday the federal government gave BP approval to move forward with a procedure known as a top kill, to try to stop the leak.

President Obama said:
The American people should know that from the moment this disaster began, the federal government has been in charge of the response effort.

President Obama said:
And we will continue to take full advantage of the unique technology and expertise they have to help stop this leak.

oh, don't forget this...

President Obama said:
But make no mistake: BP is operating at our direction. Every key decision and action they take must be approved by us in advance.

Can we call him a commie yet?
I can't wait until we can call him Ex-prezbo.

That explains so much....

But make no mistake: BP is operating at our direction. Every key decision and action they take must be approved by us in advance.

Again..that's not communism. That's a GVT overseeing a response to a crisis...which is kinda what people are clamouring about, eh.
gonz is right. government has no role in disaster management. especially federal government.

BP should be left to handle this on its own. there is no public interest here. no harm that anyone will suffer as a result of whatever BP does or does not do.

if any government gets involved, it should be local. because local governments are well prepared for this kind of thing.


commie commie commie nyah nyah nyah!

Well, he shouldn't be driving, then! Playing "catch the toy." :rolleyes: I'm surprised he's not texting as well!!
gonz is right. government has no role in disaster management. especially federal government.

BP should be left to handle this on its own. there is no public interest here. no harm that anyone will suffer as a result of whatever BP does or does not do.

if any government gets involved, it should be local. because local governments are well prepared for this kind of thing.

Confused again?

Once again, people are asking for the federal government to get involved. This might be a job for the feds, but the government does not have anybody more specialized for this than BP.

Why have Obama show up? It'll cause more commotion than needed. If they need the President to say kind words (or act displeased, or whatever) they need to get a life.

This is US terrirorial waters, not state (remember Katrina?). However, would you be willing to show us, in detail, what the federal government has that BP doesn't, especially considering Obama himself said that the feds are not as prepared as an oil industry giant.

But make no mistake: BP is operating at our direction. Every key decision and action they take must be approved by us in advance.

Again..that's not communism. That's a GVT overseeing a response to a crisis...which is kinda what people are clamouring about, eh.

Incorrect. Government & business, acting in a partnership, is cooperation. Government overseeing business is communism.
the government is not running the everyday affairs of BP. or GM, for that matter.

keep crying wolf, er, commie.
Bored? What, you wish to give up liberty for equal outcomes? Go for it, you'll be among the first to suffer.
If you'd take the time to understand the capitalism/marxism differences, you'd understand.