How could he do this???He said he loved me!


Oh this is good.I met my man......the 1st time we had sex..bam I got std!So he told me he thought I should I have a vaction,Wich I am totaly against.But then he said he would have nothing to do with the doctor,so I finally did see one.Now much later,we have fallen inlove.....So you would think that it would be different this time right?oh no......I am on the shot....its good for 3 months...How I got std again...I will never know!But I am on my own,He is 33......what is wrong with him?He loves me,He does want children,But what...just not with me?Hell JUST a few days before i knew i had std he said he wanted me to live with him!What on earth is the matter with men?I just dont get it?he will pay child support(He guess`s)But wants nothing to do with me?I am never dating,never getting married,never falling inlove.......Because this is this nicest,most responsible if you cant trust that,what can you trust?
Originally posted by Lindsey
Because this is this nicest,most responsible if you cant trust that,what can you trust?

Windows also claims to be the most nicest and stable OS. ;)

BTW, you sure you didn't get your std from Anakin? :eek:
Originally posted by unclehobart
Oh, I thought that said vacation.

Ok, now that that's cleared up........exactly when did we start classifying pregnancy as a sexually transmitted disease?
Oh dear, I left out an important detail. My loving guy paid some dear sweet street corner lady $200 to have our baby. It was to be our wedding gift. He made to love to this lovely person continuously for a whole night just to please me. You can imagine how disheartening it was for me when the lady became abscent from our local community. It seems that she had some previous engagement and was not able to conceive our child. :(
So is she pregnant with an std too?? I simply hate it when a hooker takes off for parts unknown with your std and/or baby. :(

This smells a little fishy to me..... Is there a supermod in the house??? IP check on aslie 4 please.
I'll agree with that one.

Lindsey, you're either a psychoanalyist's wet dream or an alter-ego.

I'd love to know which one.
dunno, but it seems to me that Lindsey hasn't done anything of concern? ?(
Do you want to hear my narrative of anguish and disheartenment or not?

MEN are pigs!!! He is totally disgusting to do a thing like that. He wants kids, but just not with me? Nice! So, that means that I am good enough to sleep with, and live with, but not good enough for marriage or being the parent of his children? :mad: