How Did You Find OTC?

I'm afraid I've missed something again....

I hate when that happens.
Leslie said:
all you need to know is men suck.


I've never met an adult female nipple I didn't like...The person it's attached to, maybe, but the nipples...:drool:
Gato_Solo said:
I've never met an adult female nipple I didn't like...The person it's attached to, maybe, but the nipples...:drool:

The longer & thicker, the better
*checks self in mirror*

yup. everything thats supposed to be in front is.
guess i'm ok.
pfft griping women, and according to some it was you who got us thrown out of the garden of eden. Giving birth and periods are gods way of punishing you. Bunch of apple eating snake fanciers
Lopan said:
pfft griping women, and according to some it was you who got us thrown out of the garden of eden. Giving birth and periods are gods way of punishing you. Bunch of apple eating snake fanciers

God wasn't punishing us, he knew we could deal with it. If he gave it to the men, they would have all killed themselves.
Ok, men are all evil and worthless, they are so worthless that even complaining about them is worthless, so why do it?
Uki Chick said:
God wasn't punishing us, he knew we could deal with it. If he gave it to the men, they would have all killed themselves.

Sour grapes aren't attractive.
Lopan said:
pfft griping women, and according to some it was you who got us thrown out of the garden of eden.

Didya ever notice that noone seems to mention that Adam ate the apple as well? Does that mean he was a spineless wimp who'd do anything for a little pussy?