How Did You Find OTC?

Professur said:
Didya ever notice that noone seems to mention that Adam ate the apple as well? Does that mean he was a spineless wimp who'd do anything for a little pussy?

A trusting fool. We have all eaten that apple and been thrown out of paradise.
I can get it in Lancaster on a friday night, although to be fair paradise can turn to hell by the morning.

Where in the UK you from originally prof?
Professur said:

And people understand what your saying :D Hard as tungsten nails though, the weedgies.

During selection for Sandhurst all the glaswedgians Ive met are all going in the para's. Or is that were para?
Lopan said:
And people understand what your saying :D Hard as tungsten nails though, the weedgies.

During selection for Sandhurst all the glaswedgians Ive met are all going in the para's. Or is that were para?

I've managed to lose my accent, for the most part. But I'm told it comes back if I get drunk, or when I'm talking french. I can't seem to oust it in another language.

You sure you don't mean g'wan t'barras?
Professur said:
Didya ever notice that noone seems to mention that Adam ate the apple as well? Does that mean he was a spineless wimp who'd do anything for a little pussy?

Most probably!
Luis G said:
Ok, men are all evil and worthless, they are so worthless that even complaining about them is worthless, so why do it?

To get out the frustrations instead of keeping it bottled up inside.
Uki Chick said:
Not in my case hun!

Oh, so each and every male is, in fact, guilty of a personal transgression against you? Good trick in my case. I've never even met you.

I had some sympathy for you before this. Not so sure now.
HomeLAN said:
Oh, so each and every male is, in fact, guilty of a personal transgression against you? Good trick in my case. I've never even met you.

I had some sympathy for you before this. Not so sure now.

We won't start a fight over this. :winkkiss:
*steps in*

Y'know, if Uki makes it to the BBQ, you guys can go off in a corner and have this very conversation private like .....
*steps in to restart the fight*

Why would she go to th eBBQ? Men will be there fucking everything up.
it's not's people in general that suck. there are, of course, exceptions to the rule...or so they tell me.
I only suck on forums. In real life I'm incredibly polite, witty, charming, dashing.

<insert retalitory, derogatory, humiliating insult>
cue S small n P
Professur said:
Gonz, you gonna be there?

Unlikely. Money & time aren't on my side. Although, Steve, PM your address & make sure you have 75' of parking readily available, in case I'm in teh neighborhood.
Gonz said:
*steps in to restart the fight*

Why would she go to th eBBQ? Men will be there fucking everything up.

because by then, i'll be ready to meet a dashing man to sweep me off my feet. I just hate men at this moment. :D
well then, stop it & focus your hate. It's so much more effective that way.
Professur said:
*steps in*

Y'know, if Uki makes it to the BBQ, you guys can go off in a corner and have this very conversation private like .....

Let's go for it........

Oh shit, that's true, I can't make it. :crying4:
tonksy said:
it's not's people in general that suck. there are, of course, exceptions to the rule...or so they tell me.'s not stupid MEN, it's stupid PEOPLE who suck...and not all people suck...and DEFINATELY not all of the sucky people are of the same gender and not all the members of a given gender suck suckiness, which undisputedly exists, seems to be that there is no way to generalize who it affects.