How do you confuse...


BTW: You can replace French with whatever you want, but I prefer it this way :)

How do you confuse a French?
When inside a circular room, tell him to go piss in the corner.

How does a French confuse you?
He tells you that he did.

How do you confuse a French?
Tell him it was the wrong corner. :D
ok, umm .. Prof? I'm just gonna take a wild shot in the dark here, but, have you a problem with the French?

Go figure...I'm stuck with those weeners the upcoming 2.5 weeks..... :(

Ah well, there are a lot of French chicks out there. Great when they don't have the slightest idea what you're saying, and you have no clue of what THEY are saying...

It makes non-verbal methods easier....:D

French chick rock! :headbang:
LastLegionary said:
Gotta agree with Nalani there :headbang:

Yeah, man! I used to have copy of Playboy with a pictorial on girls from Hawaii. Rocked ain't the word for it. Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous! :headbang: :headbang:

Ah, ermm... and they looked very intelligent, self-confident and uh, spiritual... yeah. Definitely spiritual... :choclate: