How do you handle departures at work?


Well-Known Member
Layoffs happen, departments get trimmed, people leave of their own accord..more so than in the past when staying at one job/one company for 20-30 years was the norm. Now... being a steady employee means that you've been in the same place for 3 years. :eek3:

My company is trimming ...again.
In my department...again.

Marketing/Advertising was 1 marketing manager and 2 graphic designers.
They fired the Marketing Manager a few months ago (no replacement)
They trimmed the advertising budget and now
the took the other GD and put him back into the warehouse from whence he came.

So..starting Monday, I am the Marketing department. Got my own office and everything.

On the good side, this means that they need me to stay, and it'll be steady (see fast-paced) work.
On the bad side, I work alone...1 1/2 times the work load, a new boss to report to and no more shared efforts amongst GDs.

Have you gone through office shakeups lately, and did it turn out well for ya?
Noone getting cut at my work-place. Some of us are there on a 1-year contract, so we may be waving goodbye for good this summer, the rest are there until they decide not to be. I may be lucky, there are rumours of more pregnancies. :p (I'm currently filling the position of someone on maternity leave.)
my hospital is laying off people. my department was spared any cuts for now. the floor census and ER visits are down from this time last year so if it doesnt pick up, cuts will come.
on top of that, the union is currently in contract negotiations. from what the negotiating team has told us, everything is off the table except pay raises.
needless to say, things are a little tense at work lately.
My corporation is in the throes of downsizing as well. 40,000 or so of us must be gone by 2010, with no replacements...unless, or course, another war arrives, then its 'stop-loss' for the whole kaboodle of us in the logistics world.
I work for a brutal machine that chews people up and spits them out.

We have very high turnover. We hire a ton of people in October/November, fire many of them in January, and lose the rest of them throughout the year.

The worst part is that the slackers stay, and the good people leave. The people that work hard, going above and beyond, get treated like shit and usually end up leaving. The people that slack off get kept because it's too much hassle to find and train new people, especially when there's a good chance the new people won't be any better.

There's a girl that's been there for five years, shows up 20-30 minutes late every day, and shops for shoes on the kiosks, and she gets kept. She wanders into other departments for hours at a time. She has a boyfriend who she's cheating on her hubby with, and he got hired as a seasonal, and they both spend hours just talking to each other.

The managers have no spine, so they let her do this. The closest they come to doing something about it is talking shit about her. I get so pissed off at them when I see employees constantly doing a piss-poor job and slacking off and the managers see it but don't have the spine to do anything about it.

The other day, that chick was supposed to be in at 3. 3 passed, 4 passed, 5 passed, and I'm like "where the fuck is she?" so I dragged aside the ops manager and we called her house and everything to find out where she is. We're like "damnit, another no-call no-show" then she walks up and she's like "I was on my way in when I got sidetracked into imaging and had to sell a camera"

It doesn't take two fucking hours to sell a camera. She wanders off into technology so that she can find some retarded ass customer and spend hours talking to them. I can't stand it. We're underscheduled, and there's still plenty of customers. It's fucking stupid to spend unneccessarily huge amounts of time on one. While she was off in Tech selling a camera for two hours, there were 200 people who DIDN'T buy something from Merch because they couldn't get help because there wasn't anyone covering the floor.

I said to the ops manager "Oh, I guess I just didn't see her. I should have known better than to expect to find her in her own department." which got me the "You're right but since I'm a manager and you're not, it's unprofessional for me to agree." raised eyebrow and smirk.
Well... my bosses' boss didn't waste a moment. I have new duties over and above what I was doing.

I am now a marketing dude AND headhunter.

I have to come up with a marketing plan to push two groupings of products 'in a new, alternative way' and i have to find someone who's willing to cross Canada to sell these items F2F.
