How do you know your kids know what being "gracious" and "thankful" mean?


Well-Known Member
So, my son recently turned 16 and we went out to Waimea to spend his birthday with my sibs and other family members ... we're very close to this one aunty who was married to my mom's brother (he died a short time before my father) and, of course, we invited her to the barbeque ... she's into her 60's and she's one of the greatest party aunties ever ... anyway, after we sang "Happy Birthday" and my son was opening his gifts, he was all smiles at all the cool stuff everyone was giving him ... and he remembered to thank everyone individually (he even read the cards) ... when he gets to the present from my aunty, I sorta looked confused for a moment ... she gave him a cassette walkman ... he smiled, didn't even flinch for a second ... he kissed her and thanked her genuinely ... we don't have any cassette tapes around but that didn't matter ... he was seriously thankful that she had thought of him ...

I've never been so proud ...

aw, that's great, na! at his age that's really something to be proud've done a great mommying job :hug:

that's how I know too...when they do it at their young ages without being told...I get the chestswelling too :)
Damn horny kids. Doesn't matter, though. Most youngins are finished before the woman gets started anyway, so we've nothing to fear. :D
unclehobart said:
Because we were young ourselves once.

*drinks a pint to somber violin music*
*dwells on moments long past*

...and laughs at our past ineptitude... :D
Squiggy said:
* Packing up my sons and shipping them to nalani for retraining....
Tip for you : Don't cut air holes, that will make them a tad more submissive on arrival. :wink2:
I wish I could say all my kids were like yours Na, 4 out of 6 would probalby do the same thing. 1 would ask what it was, and the other would bitch about it. :disgust2:
Y'know, when my son was younger I noticed this pattern. He was gracious and would thank everyone else, but we were his folks, he didn't feel like he had to treat us that way. His friend's parents would comment on what a nice, well spoken, helpful young man he was. On the one hand, it makes you proud to know they can do it, on the other hand, who the hell are they talking about? He's gotten better at being nice to us as he's grown up and figured out we aren't the hopeless morons he used to think we were.

So, I say keep teaching them this stuff. Just because they never use it with you doesn't mean they aren't learning it.:headbang:
thanks for the compliments, everyone ... I have to say, not all my kids are like that though :D ... for the most part, they're respectful ... I shouldn't complain .. I know they can be out of my presence and not make me shame ... but my other son would have probably looked at it and flinched :D

by the way *smashes fury & unc on the head but too lazy to look for the smilie for that* ... you don't have to turn every thread into something sexual ... geez ....
nalani said:
but my other son would have probably looked at it and flinched
I would have flicnhed. That son has an incredible amount of style for one so young. :headbang: