How do you know your kids know what being "gracious" and "thankful" mean?

hehehehe ... I guess you can say to an extent, he is ... I always things it's funny how lots of parents say "I love all my kids the same" ... but how can you? I mean, you love people for different reasons ... and never with the same intensity ,... I love all my children for different reasons - they're all different people ... I can't really say that I have a "favorite" ... but he is my eldest ... the one that should be the most screwed up :D ... and I count on him for a lot ....

ku'u noticed yesterday that he has muscles in his arms... :D
wow, i didn't know he did that *proud aunty-in-law moment* :D

okay, that makes up for him using his muscley (sp?) arms to throw our green waste over into our neighbor's yard :D
nalani said:
by the way *smashes fury & unc on the head but too lazy to look for the smilie for that* ... you don't have to turn every thread into something sexual ... geez ....
Yes we do... especially when my super yummy island girl is present. Its a reflex action.
unclehobart said:
Yes we do... especially when my super yummy island girl is present. Its a reflex action.

you have to be a little more specific on which "super yummy island girl" you're talking about

You all need to sort that amongst yourselves.

Fight for my love! Second place is a tray of SPAM musubi ala Atlanta style. First place gets however much time they can squeeze out of me before I crap out.
unc, be careful with that testosteron might damage you if you don't watch out :D

na, great to hear that some people still value presents for its intention, and not for what it actually is :headbang:
kuulani said:
ooh, seeing as I skipped breakfast and am STARVING ... that SPAM musubi is looking good ;)

So Ku'u is going to take the fall for the SPAM. Thats cool... but we still have to go through the motions. Take your places while I set up this vidcam.

*gestures to the kiddie wading pool filled with strawberry jello*

Shad, Its all about testosterone management. The secret is to let it out in small batches *ahem* so that it doesn't build up to critical levels. :D
Robert Jonathan Strader - stop making my thread about my son into a sexual escapade ... :grumpy:
That was my first thought as well... but the reflection through the color green casts an ill light on human skin. It makes one look haggard and older. Its why you don't see any green lights in casinos. Its all red. Red makes one look vibrant and tan. Photoshoots use lots of lighting ... ergo, we need red as the basic color reflectant. But I'm sure we can use lime jello that has a red color base. I aim to please. :)
Now how is that going to look on camera, Na? You chasing Rob under a sink may be good for a few laughs, but, to get the proper dramatic effect, you should be topless. :brow:
Rob's in trouble, Rob's in trouble.

Now, about that wading pool.