How do you like your pizza?


This is for Stop Laughing especially, who goes on about the wonderful pizza of Illinois...

I like double cheese, garlic, green peppers, double hot peppers (jalapenos), pineapple, onions, and ham if I feel like meat. :D And of course parmesan which I put on myself. :) (um I have to go with the unlimited toppings pizzas usually)

EDIT: spelling, stupid Spanish
Pepperoni, bacon, mushroom, green olive, if for the family

green olive, tomato, mushroom, onion if for me :D
Pepperoni, italian sausage, mushrooms, onions, Jalapeno...
usually one meat & one veggie
I like sicillian pizza if I can get it. For regular pizza, I like shrooms definately, but have also eaten chicken parm pizza and ziti pizza on occasion. I like pepperoni but it makes me belch.
Always: Double Mushrooms, Double Cheese, Stuffed Crust if available, and then either pepperoni or sausage as the meat

Sometimes: ^^^ with Triple Mushrooms, if the price is right

Can you tell I like mushrooms? :beardbng:
I havent found a pizza i wouldnt eat. Im not a picky eater at all.
mmmmsushi pizza anyone? :headbang:
I will eat pretty much any types of meat on my pizza (absolutely no veggies) but my FAVOURITE is just plain ol' cheese pizza.