How do you pronounce "0"?


So, how do you pronounce the "0" character?

-- zero
-- "OH" like Omaha
-- null

I usually say zero when talking math, and OH the rest of the time. Null is used for database talk.
- zero
- "cero" ;) (spanish)

to me:
NULL == '\0'
(that's in C/C++ language)
Zero by itself, if part of a larger number, such as 101, it's one oh one. Unless it's a code that has to be done right, then it's zero again.
it's "zero"

i work on the phones all day, i hate it when people call it "o"

i just want to scream at them to get an education.

sorry, rant.

Our Drill Instructors used to yell at us pretty bad when we called it "oh". I've called it zero ever since :D.
I really don't have a preference, but I think I'll use 'O'...just to piss off . :D
when I call out a series of numbers I say them like this: I'm in area code four-oh-four'. I also say :'Im in area code three double oh six seven'. I cant think of a time where I resort to saying zero.
Gato_Solo said:
I really don't have a preference, but I think I'll use 'O'...just to piss off . :D

Glad to see things haven't changed between us gato <grin>

unclehobart said:
I also say :'Im in area code three double oh six seven'.

Wouldn't that be zip code 30067? Just curious <grin> That's my other pet peeve at work. You have no idea how many times I've had to ask somebody what their area code is, only to get the zip code repeated back to me over and over.

One woman started yelling at me, "What, are you stupid or something, I've told you my area code three times already!"

"No ma'am, I'm not stupid, you just keep giving me your zip code."



wow... I did flub it didn't I. I started off with area code and just kept it on the brain. Freaky. A Freudian slip.
If I'm talking to friends or family or something and telling them a phone number, I'll usually pronounce it oh because it's a lot quicker to say than zero and I don't like to waste too much time talking them to death.

But if I'm on the phone with tech support or something and it sounds like they've had a bad day, like they're straining not to scream - "Please... give me... your... phone number... area code first..." - I will definitely pronounce it zero... don't wanna give them a reason to scream :bolt:
I say "oh".
That's my Hawaiian language bias coming out. We say "oh".

[b said:
] i hate it when people call it "o". i just want to scream at them to get an education.

I have an education :p I still call it "oh" :D

more curious about 9 people call that 'niner' as well?
and what about time? do you people say seventeenhundred hours, or say 5 pm...