How far is too far?

SouthernN'Proud said:
Hey, I despise the music this kid listens to when she thinks we aren't listening.
:lol: I had a t-shirt when the boy was a teenager (he's 28 now) that said, "It's not that I'm old, it's that your music really sucks."
Winky said:
So he is eight years older than you were
when he was born?
Yep, but I'm his step dad really. I like to say I married an older woman, but she's only three months older so I guess I can't say I'm not old enough. :D
SnP said:
spoonfed mindless pop without an ounce of originality or purpose, performed by plastic copycat soon-to-be-has-beens who don't write it or play a single instrument

She listens to Poison?
Poison Yeah baby Yeah "Talk Dirty To Me!"
His 11 year old is into poison oh yeah the
girls gotta future!!!

Hey Happy 41st JFK assassination day anniversary!

We could do the "Do you remember where you were when the news was announced" shtick but most of the members of this board were still walking around in their future then teenage mothers ovaries. Or ACK
some would even be where ever they would be in 63 if their mothers hadn't been born yet. Wow I'm a fricken fossil lol

Yep I remember watching the news coverage on the old black and white Dumont TV.
(can I type black & White without a certain American Serviceman swooping in
and accusing me of a hidden agenda?)

So if you weren’t even an egg in yo Mama’s ovary in 63 where were You?

November 22, 1963?
SouthernN'Proud said:
Hey, wait a minute...

*light bulb going on*

Then does that mean the game Redneck Rampage has a bunch of us good ol' boys dustin some Yankee ass? I may hafta git that'n...


yes with great humour in it too.

Chic: Love that shirt Il have to get one
Gonz said:
She listens to Poison?

Hell, at least Poison held their own instruments... :)

We're talking Brittany Spears/Usher/Destiny's Child/fill in the blank fad band of the week here/ MTV pop snot stuff. She'll throw in a real band every now and again by accident, and to her credit she is very flexible in her tastes, but it's just the age. If it's on the radio it must be popular and if it's popular it must be good. that kind of mentality always frustrated me.
MTV sucks and pop in general sucks nowa days. but its all personal preferance. Its what the kids like