How friendly are you?

I try to smile andbe nice to people but they usualy look at me like I have two heads or something. Some people (and it's usualy those who are carrying a bible with them) will smile back or say hi.

I had a very sweet lady in the grocery store yesterday ask me if I would like for her to get me a cart as my basket was looking a bit heavy(darn those last minuite phone calls to pick up 5 more things). I told her no thank you as I was geting my last item and walked away in shock that someone could be so nice and helpful to a young pregnant girl. Other people were simply getting upset as I tiook extra time to set my basket on the edge of the dairy case to put my cheese into the basket. THey were all asshats though.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I'm usually pretty friendly until someone pisses me off. Or I hear a Yankee accent. Same diff.

Don't talk to me then. I've got that Maryland Yankee thing going on.

tonks said:
it is my job to be nice to strangers.
Ditto. Except these strangers strip down to their bathing suits so I can spray a tan on them.
I very friendly to strangers......Not a good thing sometimes...Its great if your a waitress! Good Tips! :D But I Love to spark up a convo and chat a while.....

Besides, if I don't like what they have to say, there's always the famous!!!! :stfu: with a SMILE :D
I try to be nice to everyone and even care about strangers. I try to "love thy neighbor".

But it can get really hard at times...
greenfreak said:
To strangers, I mean.

Typically, I've considered NY'ers to be less friendly to strangers. We have this way of ignoring people to avoid making eye contact or -God Forbid- talking to them.

But at the same time, I've noticed a change in that lately. The people who walk their dogs past my house as I'm leaving for work saying good morning. The man I met in the plant nursery yesterday who is a photographer too and invited me to his camera club's meeting. The people I met on the nature trail last weekend who discussed birding and what they had seen that day. The people who I see at Blockbuster, striking up a conversation about the lack of movies on the shelves.

I don't know if I noticed it more lately, or I've just been largely oblivious. I always considered strangers outside NY to be much more genuinely friendly than most people I know here.

So what do you think? Are you friendly to strangers? Do you routinely talk to people you don't know in daily travels?

it's funny you should say that because when I went to NYC (stayed in the heart of Times Square - at the Double Tree . .. LOVED IT) anyway, when we were there, mid-90's, way pre 9/11, the most friendly people were the true New Yorkers .. the 'transplants' were so rude .. abrasive .. nasty LOL .. the True Blues told us about different places .. showed us some infamous areas (like where John Lennon was shot) and those were all strangers - cab drivers, people we met on the side walk .. stuff like that .

Am i friendly?

Nope. But neither is Ku'u so, it's ok .. :D
I've been catching myself saying Hello and Good morning to strangers I pass on the street, chatting to random strangers in the store...Had a good half hour chat with the school secretary on Monday.

Nalani, that's great that you had a good experience in NYC (your first time there?), I wonder about that. How friendly they are to visitors.

I'm going to the big orchid show at Rockefeller Center tomorrow and meeting about 6 of my orchid message board friends there for the first time. Last year, I went on a Saturday (mistake) and couldn't handle the crowds. This time I'm hoping to spend more time there. Typically, the people at garden shows are overly friendly, I enjoy it.
nalani said:
Nope. But neither is Ku'u so, it's ok .. :D

i tend to naturally be reserved towards strangers & friends-of-friends. it takes me awhile to get comfortable with most people.

generally speaking though, i like to think the people where i live are pretty friendly. we wave at each other while driving and we're always kissing somebody hello or goodbye :winkkiss:
SouthernN'Proud said:
I'm usually pretty friendly until someone pisses me off. Or I hear a Yankee accent. Same diff.

If we ever meet, I'll just grunt and scribble. :D

So much for the genteel South
SouthernN'Proud said:
I'm usually pretty friendly until someone pisses me off. Or I hear a Yankee accent. Same diff.

that's probably the same reaction i feel when i hear tourists ...
I try hard to show that i'm friendly and non threatening.

I'm sure this must have happened to other guys especially when they're young. You will be walking down the street and a woman will be walking towards you. You can see she seems uncomfortable. What do you do? Do you cross over the street or carry on and spend another 30 seconds thinking that she is thinking you're going to mug her or worse. I hate it so I tend to smile and look un threatening. this is quite hard I'm a 6ft skin head (receeding hair) and I have a massive scar running through my right eyebrow. I don't have a naturally smiley face either.
It bothers me if I can tell a woman is uncomfortable around me. I don't try to be scary, so I think that most of the time it's their problem more than mine, but that doesn't mean I'll do anything else to make them feel threatened. Usually if I know it, I'll do my best to avoid them.
It really depends on the day. I work with people for a living, so I have to be nice so sometimes it does depend on how that goes really....I try to be helpful if I can though, no harm in it really.