How Internet Explorer Keeps Data Safe


Staff member
Just randomly came across this one.errrrr

they're serious. And make sure and use Microsoft Wallet for all your shopping for added bonus safety features.


All that extry good security must be why I thought I had to reformat a few weeks back. :rolleyes:
:lol: Let's hope all the new security features listed in v.7 come true; meanwhile I'll happily continue to use FF.
Tip: Don't confuse 128-bit encryption with a 64-bit processor which refers to the number of bits that a computer can process at a time.
so, like does that mean i can like have like more than like 32-bit encryption in my magic cube?
Yeesh.......actually this reminds me of a commercial I saw for that new MSN search thing. It said something along the lines of 'Microsoft is inspired to create new software every day blah blah blah'......shouldnt that be 'Microsoft buys or steals new software everyday then modifies it (badly) and passes it off as their own blah blah blah' :lol2: