How many forum members does it take to change a lightbulb?

I changed the outside light, living room light and computer room light over to compact fluorescents as well even though those bulbs weren't burned out because those are the lights that stay on the most, meaning that's where the environmental savings will do the most good. I'll switch the other lights over as the bulbs burn out.
I changed all mine for those energy saving lightbulbs that last for 6 years ~ 11 watts(=60w) in the bathroom, hall, utility room and bedroom and 15 watts(=100w) I think in the office and lounge. Weird things, they seem to think about it for a couple of seconds before lighting up when you switch them on... LOL
I hate changing lightbulbs in those dome type ceiling lights


Bugs always find their way in and die...I have one of two bulbs out in the one in my bedroom but I refuse to take off the cover and change it...*shudders* I need a man.
you need a man for your bedroom ... and you're thinking "that lightbulb needs changed"????

You're sex life is even a sadder tale than I thought. (My brother in law's still available)
you need a man for your bedroom ... and you're thinking "that lightbulb needs changed"????

You're sex life is even a sadder tale than I thought. (My brother in law's still available)

The sex part I've got under control :p It's the willingness to change a lightbulb for me that I don't yet know if I have found.
Sunshine ... I got engaged to a virgin. You know already how long we were dating.

I didn't know she was a virgin...interesting. But you loved wasn't the first thing on your mind I'm sure.

what if you were single, horny, and someone who you thought was swell was offering it up. What then huh?
I hate changing lightbulbs in those dome type ceiling lights

Bugs always find their way in and die...I have one of two bulbs out in the one in my bedroom but I refuse to take off the cover and change it...*shudders* I need a man.

How-to for the easily grodied out like me:

1. Take the cover off. Don't look at it under any circumstances.
2. Hold it over your head and off to your side.
3. Go to the kitchen. Still holding the cover up and to your side, use one hand to turn on the sink faucet.
4. Without looking at it, shake the cover into the sink. The water will take care of the easily removable unspeakables.
5. Still without looking directly at the cover, place it into the dishwasher.

The next time you see it, it will be beautiful and sparkly. For this at least, you don't need a man.
How-to for the easily grodied out like me:

1. Take the cover off. Don't look at it under any circumstances.
2. Hold it over your head and off to your side.
3. Go to the kitchen. Still holding the cover up and to your side, use one hand to turn on the sink faucet.
4. Without looking at it, shake the cover into the sink. The water will take care of the easily removable unspeakables.
5. Still without looking directly at the cover, place it into the dishwasher.

The next time you see it, it will be beautiful and sparkly. For this at least, you don't need a man.

I fear I would spill the contents all over my head :crap:
You hold it like a set of dumbbells while you back down the ladder/get off the chair.

Then once you're down, you move it off to the side so that the wind produced by your walking doesn't blow em all on your head.

On the bright side, they're usually stuck on there pretty good. :sick:
I didn't know she was a virgin...interesting. But you loved wasn't the first thing on your mind I'm sure.

Wrong. We started dating when I was 12-13. Not only was it the first thing on my mind, it was the second, third, fourth, etc.

what if you were single, horny, and someone who you thought was swell was offering it up. What then huh?

I highly doubt that either of us would be looking up at a light fixture wondering about burned out bulbs and bugs at that point. Maybe wondering about how to fix all the broken plaster, or whether or not the hooks holding up the trapeze can take the strain for another half hour .... but not lightbulbs.
I changed all mine for those energy saving lightbulbs that last for 6 years ~ 11 watts(=60w) in the bathroom, hall, utility room and bedroom and 15 watts(=100w) I think in the office and lounge. Weird things, they seem to think about it for a couple of seconds before lighting up when you switch them on... LOL

That's just because of a characteristic of fluorescent lights in general. Most of the ones I have in the house are a generic brand. They come on right away at probably 1/3 brightness and then they get brighter as they warm up. But the outside light is a name brand bulb (GE) and it waits a couple of seconds to turn on, but turns on at full brightness.
I highly doubt that either of us would be looking up at a light fixture wondering about burned out bulbs and bugs at that point. Maybe wondering about how to fix all the broken plaster, or whether or not the hooks holding up the trapeze can take the strain for another half hour .... but not lightbulbs.

Oh, he's never been to my place...after the first time I went to his place I couldn't have even told you what colour his walls were though :leghump:

I started thinking about the bulb and the bugs after reading this thread...:p
That's just because of a characteristic of fluorescent lights in general. Most of the ones I have in the house are a generic brand. They come on right away at probably 1/3 brightness and then they get brighter as they warm up. But the outside light is a name brand bulb (GE) and it waits a couple of seconds to turn on, but turns on at full brightness.

Oh well, there you go... I only got the good ones... LOL :grinyes:

Actually I got 6 of them for free, 5 11w ones and a 15w one, from 2 of the power companies. I only bought 3, an 11w, a 15w for the office and a screw in one for my bathroom light. That was before I got the free ones, so I've actually go 2 spares.
The power company here hasn't given me any for free... but they do subsidize them so I can but a 60W or 100W equivalent for a buck.