How many miles on one tire?


New Member
We had a flat last week and had to change out the spare for the flat. Now I have to go to the dealer for an oil change and was thinking of replacing two tires instead of one so the tread wear matches. I'd put the new tires on the front and the least-worn tires from what's left on the back.

But how many miles can you typically drive on one tire? I have about 33,000 miles on the car (less than 2 years old) and I've already rotated the fronts to the back once.

It's probably all about the treads too but I tend to be paranoid about such things and would probably have them changed even if I didn't need to.

So how many miles before you're supposed to change a tire?
I do most of my driving on four tires...

Tread life varies with different grades of tire. I rotate mine about every six to eight months, depending on how much driving I've done.
I try to rotate mine every 10 thousand or so. If you do that and keep the air pressure right, the treadwear should remain relatively even and you replace all 4 at once.

It varies by tire as to how often you need to do that. They're rated for anywhere from 40,000 to 80,000 miles. In my experience, 80k tires rarely actually make it that far. I usually buy 60 thousand mile tires and replace 'em around 55k.

BTW, it sounds like those are the tires it came with. In that case, all bets are off. Car makers are notorious for putting cheap-assed tires on new cars. 33k probably isn't bad if those are stock tires.
Things keep occurring to me. :D

Have you done the penny test? Insert a penny into the tread, with Lincoln being upside down, facing you. If you can see his hairline above the edge of the tread, it's time.
I do the oil at 3,000, rotate and oil at 3,000 more, oil at 3,000 more, oil, rotate with a rebalance at 3,000 more.... so its a rotation every 6,000 with a fine tuning every 12,000 for me.
HomeLAN said:
Things keep occurring to me. :D

Have you done the penny test? Insert a penny into the tread, with Lincoln being upside down, facing you. If you can see his hairline above the edge of the tread, it's time.

Then run over his lying ass.

My rule of thumb on tires is this...............Using a Lincoln-head penny, place penny in tire tread. If you can see the top of Lincoln's head, replace tire. If you have access to a tire tread gauge, industry standard for replacement is when gauge reads 3/32" (three-thirty seconds). My husband is the supervisor of the tire shop for the City of Fort Worth, Texas. They replace tires at 4/32".

edit: terrible grammar. :nerd:
Rotations every 10000km .Tires wear differently depending on use and manufacturer some have mileage warranties some don't (higher speed rated tires v,z for example don't).Even if you don't put manykm/miles on them tires are only good for approx.5yrs,after that the oils in the tires start to breakdown and you get cracking.

Almost forgot,the new tires always go to the back even on a frontwheel drive vehicle,the tendancy for the rear of the vehicle to lose traction and send the back of the vehicle sideways and force you to lose control is very real.
The treads on all the tires are fine using the penny test (which I have never heard of before; thanks Steve!).

But then here's another question. If you were me and you only had to replace one tire due to a flat, would you just leave the one new tire on the back and leave the remaining three with 33,000 miles of wear on them? Or would you buy two tires and put them on the front or the back?

It's not a question of funds, I could replace two tires without an issue.
At 33,000, yes, replace as a set. If the tires only had 5K or 10K I'd consider just replacing one.

I generally rotate mine every 6,000 or 7,500, somewhere in that neighborhood. Actually, it's more of, "how long has it been since I rotated them? *flips through gas mileage/maintenance notebook* Shit! I better get on that."

For treadwear, you don't even need the penny. Every tire these days has treadwear indicators built in, which is several points where the concentric groove is 2/32 less deep than the rest of the groove. When your tire gets to 2/32, you'll see these lines going across the tire that are bald.

greenfreak said:
The treads on all the tires are fine using the penny test (which I have never heard of before; thanks Steve!).

But then here's another question. If you were me and you only had to replace one tire due to a flat, would you just leave the one new tire on the back and leave the remaining three with 33,000 miles of wear on them? Or would you buy two tires and put them on the front or the back?

It's not a question of funds, I could replace two tires without an issue.

If the hole in the tire isn't
a)more than a quarter of an inch in dia.
b)the tire hasn't been repaired more than twice already or the repairs aren't within ?? inches.
c)the hole isn't in the sidewall
d)Tire tire hasn't been run on whilst flat
then it can be repaired,otherwise you could get away with just replacing the two tires on the same axle (if fronts then the old rears come forward and the new tires go on the rear)if its a two wheel drive 4x4 and AWD vehicles require all four new .

*FYI I work in the tireshop now
Last two foreign objects the wife picked up were both in the shoulder. Irreparable.

Pissed me directly off.
Ya know, I never considered having it repaired. It's something I would consider to just keep all the tires evenly worn until I replace all of them but I worry about getting another flat in the same tire. It was a really slow leak, Rusty had enough time to notice it and drive 5 miles home without it being completely flat.

How exactly are tires repaired though? They put a patch on the inside or something?
last time i had a tire repaired, they just stuffed a plug in the hole with some sort of cement to hold it in place, then trimmed off the excess. took all of 5 minutes.
i dont remember how long it lasted, but i never had a problem with slow leaks.
if you've already got 33k on them, might just patch it and wait to get a new set of 4.