How many of you...

Have you gone?

  • Outside your home county

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Outside your home state/province

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Outside your home country

    Votes: 30 93.8%
  • Outside your home planet

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Have traveled in your lives...

Just asking. I've been on every continent except Africa, Australia, and Antarctica. ;)
I have a lot of square milage but it's been limited to Alaska, Washington, and Canada. At some point in the next decade(hopefully) i'm going to get off the continent. I want to check out Germany, the middle east and New Zealand. I'd also love to visit Washington DC at some point.
Just in Mexico, commonly to Mexico City, Guanajuato, Leon or some beach.

Still there are far too much places i don't know even in my own state.
I've been to... lemme count... a lot of states... never been in the northeast though or anything like that
Been all over the frickin' shop. Never been fussed about going to the U.S. though, lol.

Nothing interplanetary either (yet).
It would be easier to count up the states that I haven't been to... lets see... Alaska, Hawai'i, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, N. Mexico, Oklahoma, Minnesota, R.I., Delware, Connecticut, N.H., Vermont, Mass., Maine. I've been to the other 35... if only just to drive through them.

International: Germany, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Canada
I've only really been to Quebec, other than that just daytrips just over the border to New York and Michigan, not really far enough in to count.
Drove through some of the Northern States once on the way from Newfoundland to Ontario, Have also been in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI and Newfoundland. Lasty, I have been to Germany :)
I've been in every Northeastern state:

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachussetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, NY, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, North/South Carolina, Georgia, Florida. Rusty and I will frequently take weekend trips up to Boston and Providence in warmer weather but it's always within reasonable driving distance.

I had to land in Freeport Bahamas on a flight to Florida to refuel but they wouldn't let us get off the plane. The view wasn't much, I just remember the airport being the color of Pepto-Bismol. :sick:

Other than that, I've never been west than the coastal states and never been out of the country. That's one thing that Rusty and I really want to do, to travel.
Malaysia, China, Hong Kong (lol), Singapore, Thailand, New Zealand, Australia, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Ireland, Wales (lol), Greece. Jordan, Pakistan and India in transit only (heh).

South Africa, Argentina or Canada next I reckon, although I'm going back to Spain, Oz and Malaysia this Summer.
Been in 35 states (at last count) plus DC. Canada, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Ireland, England and, very briefly, France.

I wuold like one day to see the pyramids and Rome.

As for the planet, when I was much younger, I used to do some LSD. Draw your own conclusion.:headbang:
Been to (through) at least half the states in the U.S. Also been to England, Italy and Mexico.
all the states in the way when you drive down to florida, quebec
all the provinces in the way on your way to PEI
-from ontario

been to mexico too