how many phreaking times do I have to say it?????

nalani said:
hehehe .. I don't bitchslap my sisters .. unless that's their thing :D

hey - I know .. I can make a huge ass pink memo and stick it on the wall too! :D

Well its a good thing its not my thing.

Can you laminate your huge ass pink memo before you stick it on the wall. Oh and don't forget to put the label Please read this huge ass pink memo" right above it. :D

Go ahead, make me proud. mom signed the pernission slip, I already had orientation, I'm adept at computers, you just got laid so you're in a good mood, the moon is not full, I'm sorry for the stupid Hula practicing remark...ugh, hmmm lemme think...that should about cover it.

Can I use the computer, NOW????,
Well...since Nan isn't blue in the face yet...halamikage wants to know if she can use the computer yet.
I asked before you! Na, he's cutting!

Can I use the computers now?

Why Not?
It is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. So I think I'll just sneek in at night and use the computers when no one is looking *peepwall*
I'm Tellin!

NA! How come Janimal gets to use the computers and we don't? NA?
Jan gets to use the puters cause I practice favortism openly ... and since she's a bitchslapper, I'm gonna let her slide ;)

I'm the Cabana Boy, don't I get special treatment too?
it is too fair ... cause I'm in charge :p

plus, you have yet to bring me and ku'u our drinks .... *waiting patiently*
Gonz said: mom signed the pernission slip, I already had orientation, I'm adept at computers, you just got laid so you're in a good mood, the moon is not full, I'm sorry for the stupid Hula practicing remark...ugh, hmmm lemme think...that should about cover it.

Can I use the computer, NOW????,

:lol: Whatcha think nan, has he waited long enough?
*acting like I even have partial control over those computers*
Well Yeah! See If I gave you everything I had, what would I have to offer new later on?

Plus, if I gave you everything I had, you wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow. ;)
well, I was about to say yes to Gonz but there's one thing I have to know ... who were you talking about just getting laid? :D

*is excited about PT's future as a cabana boy*