How much do you drink in a week?

How many alcoholic beverages do you drink in a week?

  • Don't drink

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • less than 2

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • 6-9

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • 10-12

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • 13-16

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 17-20

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 21+

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Go by the ounce. 1 shot=1 glass of wine= 1 beer. Each is one ounce/drink.
If you binge then give us an average of say. over a months time.
I only ever drink at my buddy Todd's place. I only make it out there on odd weekends for roughly 30 hours. That is usually a fairly stiff drinking weekend. I pop one open right as I get out of the car in his driveway at about 6pm and knock back like 8-10 over the next 5 hours. The next day I will start up at about noon-1pm and drink like 5-6 pretty fast and then spend the rest of the afternoon feelin' fine and sobering up for my return jaunt home at roughly 9-10pm.

I guess that boils down nicely into the 6-9 range.
In an average week, 0. I drink a few times a year now, probably 3 or 4 drinks in an evening if I'm drinking, but that's about it.
I put less than 2, but if I drink once a month, it's alot. I bought a case of beer in Oct., I still have some.
I said less than two, but like others it comes in spurts. I just don't drink that often anymore... have a stocked wine/liquor bar and just don't have the "entertainment need" now that I'm a working man.

But, when I go out of town to see friends... watch out!
A lot...

...part of my work is in acquiring a lot of wine flows through here just because...

No excuses , though....

I like it....

I probably have the equivalent of 3-4 drinks a day when the weekend is factored in...

i guesstimated 6-9 a month. i'll have a couple of drinks after a particularly rough night at work. the rare beer if we go out to eat. i cant drink the way i used to (thankfully) but i still enjoy a beverage from time to time.
10-12. i really really cut down since before Christmas; i was doing 18-20 pints a week, mainly cos i was just bored and pissed off with life.

last night was the first time i'd been drunk in about a month, which is good for a student ;) :D
Spot said:
i cant drink the way i used to (thankfully) but i still enjoy a beverage from time to time.

I don't think most people drink the way they used to when they were younger. those that do are called alcoholics and will probably get cyrosis of the liver. :D

Personally I rarely drink at all these days.
I drink once or twice a month, usually right after exams or harsh days. I'll have maybe 3-4 bottles each time, just enough to kick back, and always with friends.

I know many people who get f-ing TANKED weekly, friends or not. Bleh. I can't drink but barely one if I'm alone. It's just not the same.
I surely don't drink like I did when I was younger. In those days I would polish off two bottles of port and a 6 pack. I remember one going away party for a coworker where I supposedly drank 25 pints.

My dad swears that I drank like 12 liters of black ale in the Hofbrauhaus in Munich back in 91 in one sitting. I kinda lost the next day doing my imitation of a green canvas.

The number of times where I went nutso on alcohol can pretty much be counted on one hand... and I can remember them all quite well. I haven't had a full bore day in years. I guess Im about due. I have to do it once every three years to remind myself why I don't do stuff like that. If I make myself good and sick in a single sitting .. I won't touch it for months .. and even then quite sparingly.
last night was the first time i'd been drunk in about a month, which is good for a student

hehehe, that is good for a student :D
i always try to prevent getting drunk...i drink quite a bit on regular basis, but not enough to get drunk. hate that.

must be app. 20 drinks in weekends, and a few during the week....estimated 2 ~ 3 per day
*pushes a bottle of golden ale across the table*

just look at the way that golden bottle of sunshine beckons you. The frothy aroma, that satisfying sweet taste that tickles the back of the throat after a hard days work.
You should be a writer, sir.

I'll try it one of these days when I can afford it... Right now it is just too expensive.