How much does advertising pay in a java chatroom?

What's the activity level of the chat room? Is it a java programmed chat room or a chat room about java? What are the ads about? Any relevance to the topic of discussion with the chat room? What
s the meaning of the chat room if it's not about the java programming language? Where are my shoes?
chatroom with java interface.

that chatroom is General topic.
and I ask to see if it does worth setting up a homepage with chatroom so companies or enterprises can advertise in my homepage and pay me bucks :)
since several persons will see their advertising.

how much is the average charge for publicity ?
Usually advertising doesn't pay this way in terms of Internet advertising. It's usually an affiliate program in which customers are tracked using cookies or other means through your site to the advertisers site. When a purchase is made, then you are given a certain commission. Usually an amount of less than a percent in most cases. It really depends on the affiliate program though. They are'nt going to pay you to put up an ad on your page though. Look at this place for instance. Do you generate the kind of traffic this place does? Look at the method of support we use here.