How often do you get this letter?



Dear Friend,

I am the Chief Scribe of the Newly Constituted N.D.D.C.

This Commission was reconstituted in 2001 by the
Federal Government of Nigeria as a result of
consistent Environmental Neglect Agitated by the Oil
and Minerals Producing States.

This Commission received a budgetary allocation of
US$1.5 Billion for Environmental Maintenance/Management
of Oil Producing States(N.D.D.C.areas) for the
2001/2003 Fiscal Year.

In view of the present political situation in our
country, I have agreed with my colleagues to withdraw
the sum, of US$45.5M (Forty-Five Million Five Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars). All modalities to
ensure a hitch-free transfer of this fund into your
account through the officials of Central Bank of
Nigeria (CBN) and Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF)
have been properly worked out.

NOTE: There is no risks or dangers involved. I have
agreed with my colleagues that you will retain 30% of
the total fund; my colleagues and I will take 60%
while the remaining 10% is mapped out to cover the
International and Local Expenses that might be
incurred by both parties in the course of this

If this proposal interest you of whom I hope it
would, please forward to me immediately the following

1. Your Bank information,
2. Telephone and fax numbers of the bank.
3. Your Private Telephone and Fax Number.
4. Account Name.

As soon as we receive the above information from you,
we shall immediately file up application for approvals
and payment shall follow as soon as possible.

NOTE: I shall not contact another person till I hear
from you. I therefore request you to please maintain
topmost confidential of this transaction because we
are top Civil Servants and would not want our
reputable image dented after putting in Eighteen
years of active service in the government.

Reply to:([email protected])

Best Regards.
Mr.Jude Okonta.

I get this sucker in various incarnations up to 5 or more times a day! You'd think they would realize if the letter gets out enough it would be such an obvious scam as it is. Thing is they must be getting people to open the accounts or they would stop sending the letter.
Unfortunately, enough people fall for the scam to make it worth their while.

Older folks, especially, seem to go for it from what I hear, but that's true for most scams.
it's a shame, really, that people would give this any credible thought whatsoever. If it's too good to be true, it usually is. And what sort of millionaire uses a yahoo email address? :rolleyes:
They seem to come in bunches. And they have my real name on them. I don't know how they get my name, I never put it on the Internet, except on "secure" pages.
I only got it once - because it asked me to reply to an aol address not the hotmail it came in on, I reported it to abuse@aol and abuse@hotmail, and they both actually replied and said they'd deleted the accounts.

So I never did get to ask how the guy managed to get internet access in his refugee camp.
Can't say I've seen it either, but then again I don't check my messages much around here. There's too much junk to figure out which junk is the dumbest...
I've only gotten that particular letter a bout twice also,
but I get some kind of variation of that type of thing about
10 times a days. (total, through all my email accounts)
I have my filters setup pretty good. Most of them go to a folder,
or trash, that I just check periodically when I have nothing
else to do. I get about one a month that slips through to the inbox. :nerd:
Got this this morningL

Dear friend,

It is with heartfelt hope that I write to seek your co-operation and assistance in the context stated below:

May I first introduce myself: I am Senator Luisa Pimentel Estrada,the first wife of Joseph Ejercito Estrada(former head of state and President of Philippines) who is presently held in detention in a hospital outside manilla,Philippines.
I got your contact from the internet during the course of my search
for a reliable foreigner who will assist me in receiving the sum of US$9Million secretly deposited in my favour by my Husband.

This money was kept with a Security Company in Amsterdam and I have all
documents with me as of when it was deposited in a Security Vault for safe keeping. We have been deliberating on how to invest this
fund abroad in a confidential manner until we came to a conclusion to use it to buy estates and part of it will be used for non-speculative investments in your

However,the current administration of Gloria Arroyo(The President of
Philippines) is seeking the death of my husband.In pursuit of this vendetta,the present Government have resolved to freeze all known assets of Joseph Ejercito Estrada including properties at home and abroad and are presently embarking on to seize the various bank accounts of my Husband in Switzerland,UK and Australia. In fact, the attack on our family (The Estrada's) is so devastated to an extent of seizing our travelling passport,family accounts,trying some members of our family in court for offences allegedly committed by my Husband and even restrict us from seeing my husband.

My son was released from detention on the agreement to refund $1.5 million tothe Government of Philippines allegedly stolen by my Husband.
You can find this on;

We are not ready to comply to this as most of the family assets and bank
accounts abroad have been Frozen by the Arroyo regime. In view of this grevious threat to our Economic and personal survival, our family trustee have secretly protected the deposit, you are to assits us travelling to Amsterdam to lay claims of the consignment with the aid of all legal documents that will be forwarded to you as time goes

In the meantime,there is a travelling embargo on the family members and our local accounts are seized as well as our telephone lines have been bugged.For this reason,telephone conversation will not be an
ideal means of communication because our calls will be recorded.We are currently being catered for by the Government of Philippines in other to monitor and control our financial activities.we cannot be held
responsible for the sins of my Husband. In view of this plight, I expect you to be trustworthy and kind enough to respond to this distressed call to save our family from a hopeless future.And if you agree to help,we shall discuss the disbursement
ratio in our next correspondence after we have been

I look forward to your quick response while thanking you for your co-operation.
In view of all above details, I request you to keep this letter and co-operation highly confidential even if you are not interested.
Best wishes,

Senator Luisa Pimentel Estrada.

Please note that email correspondence will be safer due to the fact that all our phone lines have been bugged

[email protected]

Maybe they thought I'd believe it if they moved locations?
I don't know how many times I've gotten that letter; I don't read my spam... and I've gotten quite good at telling from the "from" name and the subject line what's spam and what's not.