how to convert a .dat kazaa file to something else?


New Member
I'm just curious if any one knows a way to convert say a divx file that is complete, but that didn't convert from the .dat file. As far as Kazaa is concerned, its is done, but it did not convert (a bunch of them actually). EVerywhere I looked on this, everyone suggested they aren't done yet, but what if it won't LET you continue further because kazaa thinks its done?

Would copying it into a fresh installation of kazaa do it? Or is there some utility?
I always was able to copy over incomplete files and paste them into any other folder, rt click them and use the 'open with' command. All you need to do is open it with the right format and you should be good to go. I think the key is to get the DAT file out of the Kaaza directory altogether.

Thanks for your quick response.

I got it to play ok as a .dat file. I was only wondering if there was some way to change it to another format. Lets say it might be a .zip or a .exe and you are unable to compelete the download. Is there hope in this case? Can you just "open with" winrar or something like that?

Right click and rename. If it's an mp3 or mpeg it will be usable and some compressed formats will let you inside the archive but most won't.
ok, thanks guys.

Sound like it works basically for media files, and might work for some archives. Thanks for the info.
Is it that simple? I mean renaming the extension?

I'll have to try that next time.

Well, I managed to find another way. Virtual dub worked fine for this.
Renaming it didn't work. I just gave it a try. The virtual dub works fine though. I tried it on a partial this time, not a complete file, so maybe it would have worked on the completed ones, but it wouldn't for partials. Virtual dub seems to work for partially downloaded .dat files too though.
ris said:
i find just renaming the extension works fine :)

yeap, that's enough when kazaa says it is completed.

The bug happens when you resume downloads previously initiated with a differente kazaa installation, and sometimes when you change the username.
yes, for avi files rebuilding the index with vdub works, if seek is slow you can run it across with avifixer and it'll specify a keyframe time.
Thanks again. Thats definitely a good thing to know. I never thought to just rename it. I blame it on Windows :( Since it always has exensions hidden these days, I didn't really think of that. I guess that should be the most obvious answer.
There is a setting under folder options in Windows Explorer, Hide known extensions, uncheck that box and you can see your precious extensions and change them again.
Thanks PuterTutor, I realized that, its just that it didn't occur to me that it could be that simple. I guess simple solutions work best :D I was assuming I would NEED to use something like Vdub to convert it, bad assumption I guess.

Thanks again